Anthony Fisher, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Department of Philosophy

Dr. Fisher’s work focuses on metaphysics, history of philosophy, and ethics. His recent research in metaphysics is on properties, time, and modality. He is interested in the history of analytic philosophy, exploring the evolution of metaphysics...

Portrait of Dr. Anthony Fisher

Contact Information

  • Office Hours Spring 2025

    MW 11:00AM-12:00PM;
    T 12:00PM-2:00PM

    and by appointment

  • (509) 313-6756

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Philosophy, Syracuse University

B.A., (with Honors), Philosophy, University of New England, Australia

Courses Taught

PHIL 101: Reasoning

PHIL 301: Ethics

Dr. Fisher’s work focuses on metaphysics, history of philosophy, and ethics. His recent research in metaphysics is on properties, time, and modality. He is interested in the history of analytic philosophy, exploring the evolution of metaphysics across the twentieth century with a view to bringing analytic and non-analytic traditions together. He has also developed an interest in AI Ethics. In the classroom, he transfers his passion for the history of philosophy and the importance of historical context when teaching philosophical texts, with an emphasis on reading authors from diverse traditions and cultures as well as under-represented groups.
2025. The Metaphysics of Donald C. Williams. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited books
2025. The Philosophical Correspondence of David Armstrong and David Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Peter R. Anstey and Stephanie R. Lewis)
2024. The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge. (with Anna-Sofia Maurin)
2022. Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Helen Beebee)
2021. Marking the Centenary of Samuel Alexander’s Space, Time and Deity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2020. Philosophical Letters of David K. Lewis: Volume 1: Causation, Modality, Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Helen Beebee)
2020. Philosophical Letters of David K. Lewis: Volume 2: Mind, Language, Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Helen Beebee)
2018. The Elements and Patterns of Being: Essays in Metaphysics. By Donald C. Williams. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Journal Articles
2024. David Lewis on Ways Things Might Be: An Examination of Modal Realism through Lewis’s Correspondence. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80(4): 1059-80.
2023. Musical Works as Structural Universals. Erkenntnis 88(3): 1245-67.
2023. Temporal Experience and the Present in George P. Adams’s Eternalism. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31(2): 355-76.
2022. Grace A. de Laguna’s Theory of Universals: A Powers Ontology of Properties and Modality. Australasian Philosophical Review 6(1): 39-48.
2022. C.D. Broad on Processes and Things: A Process Ontology of Tropes. History of Philosophy Quarterly 39(4): 385-403.
2020. Abstracta and Abstraction in Trope Theory. Philosophical Papers 49(1): 41-67.
2018. Structural Universals. Philosophy Compass 13(10): e12518.
2018. On Lewis Against Magic: A Study of Method in Metaphysics. Synthese 195(5): 2335-53.
2018. Instantiation in Trope Theory. American Philosophical Quarterly 55(2): 153-64.
2017. Samuel Alexander’s Early Reactions to British Idealism. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 23(2): 169-96.
2017. Donald C. Williams’s Defence of Real Metaphysics. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25(2): 332-55.
2016. Truthmaking and Fundamentality. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97(4): 448-73.
2015. Samuel Alexander’s Theory of Categories. The Monist 98(3): 246-67.
2015. David Lewis, Donald C. Williams, and the History of Metaphysics in the Twentieth Century. Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1(1): 3-22.
2015. Priority Monism, Partiality, and Minimal Truthmakers. Philosophical Studies 172(2): 477-91.
2014. Examination of Merricks’ Primitivism about Truth. Metaphysica 15(2): 281-98.
2013. Bennett on Parts Twice Over. Philosophia 41(3): 757-61.
2011. Causal and Logical Necessity in Malebranche’s Occasionalism. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41(4): 523-48.

Book Chapters
2024. Introduction: The Importance of Properties. In A.R.J. Fisher and Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge: 1-10. (with Anna-Sofia Maurin)
2022. Naturalness, Arbitrariness, and Serious Ontology. In Helen Beebee and A.R.J. Fisher (eds.) Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2022. The Two Davids and Australian Materialism. In Peter R. Anstey & David Braddon-Mitchell (eds.) Armstrong’s Materialist Theory of Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021. Samuel Alexander and the Psychological Origins of Realism. In A.R.J. Fisher (ed.) Marking the Centenary of Samuel Alexander’s Space, Time and Deity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Reviews
2017. Review of Composition as Identity edited by A.J. Cotnoir and Donald L.M. Baxter. Philosophical Quarterly 67(267): 409-12.
2013. Review of Personal Identity: Complex or Simple? edited by Georg Gasser and Matthias Stefan. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 52(4): 816-18.

Encyclopedia Entries
2021. Alexander, Samuel (1859-1938). Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition.
  • Metaphysics
  • History of Analytic Philosophy
  • Early Modern Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • AI Ethics