My teaching philosophy is to provide 51³Ô¹Ïs with learning experiences that will enable their growth and academic success towards becoming highly skilled 51³Ô¹Ïs who are capable of demonstrating general knowledge in the subject by oral and written evaluations. Evaluate and interpret, with attention to how the experimental evidence supports or disproves a research hypothesis using critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork and develop presentation skills in the subject that will be reflected to help the society.
Differential paired stage-specific expression of Babesia bovis cysteine-rich GCC2/GCC3 domain family proteins (BboGDP) during development within Rhipicephalus microplus. Hussein, H.E., Johnson, W.C. & Ueti, M.W. Parasites Vectors 16, 16 (2023).
Thrombospondin-Related Anonymous Protein (TRAP) Family Expression by Babesia bovis Life Stages within the Mammalian Host and Tick Vector. Masterson HE, Taus NS, Johnson WC, Kappmeyer L, Capelli-Peixoto J, Hussein HE, Mousel MR, Hernandez-Silva DJ, Laughery JM, Mosqueda J, Ueti MW. Microorganisms. 2022 2;10(11):2173.
Anaplasma marginale Infection of Dermacentor andersoni Primary Midgut Cell Culture Is Dependent on Fucosylated Glycans. Rubikah Vimonish, Janaina Capelli-Peixoto, Wendell C. Johnson, Hala E. Hussein, Naomi S. Taus, Kelly A. Brayton, Ulrike G. Munderloh, Susan M. Noh and Massaro W. Ueti. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2022, 12, 1-11.
A Transfected Babesia bovis Parasite Line Expressing eGFP Is Able to Complete the Full Life Cycle of the Parasite in Mammalian and Tick Hosts
Wendell C. Johnson, Hala E. Hussein, Janaina Capelli-Peixoto, Jacob M. Laughery, Naomi S. Taus, Carlos E. Suarez and Massaro W. Ueti. Hosts. Pathogens 2022, 11, 623.
Vaccination of cattle with synthetic peptides corresponding to predicted extracellular domains of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus aquaporin 2 reduced the number of ticks feeding to repletion. Scoles, G.A., Hussein, H.E., Olds, C.L., Mason, K.L., Davis, S.K.
Parasit Vectors, 2022, 15(1), 49
Unraveling the Complexity of the Rhomboid Serine Protease 4 Family of Babesia bovis Using Bioinformatics and Experimental Studies. Gallenti R, Hussein HE, Alzan HF, Suarez CE, Ueti M, Asurmendi S, Benitez D, Araujo FR, Rolls P, Sibeko-Matjila K, Schnittger L, Florin-Christensen M. Pathogens. 2022 Mar 12;11(3):344.
Differential expression of calcium-dependent protein kinase 4, tubulin tyrosine ligase, and methyltransferase by xanthurenic acid-induced Babesia bovis sexual stages. Hussein, H.E., Johnson, W.C., Taus, N.S., ...Mousel, M.R., Ueti, M.W., Parasit Vectors. 2021, 14(1), 395
Identification of proteins expressed by Babesia bigemina kinetes. Bohaliga GAR, Johnson WC, Taus NS, Hussein HE, Bastos RG, Suarez CE, Scoles GA, Ueti MW. Parasit Vectors. 2019 28;12(1):271.
Silencing expression of the Rhipicephalus microplus vitellogenin receptor gene blocks Babesia bovis transmission and interferes with oocyte maturation. Hussein HE, Johnson WC, Taus NS, Suarez CE, Scoles GA, Ueti MW. Parasit Vectors. 2019.
Identification of a putative methyltransferase gene of Babesia bigemina as a novel molecular biomarker uniquely expressed in parasite tick stages. Bohaliga GAR, Johnson WC, Taus NS, Hussein HE, Bastos RG, Suarez CE, O'Connor R, Ueti MW. Parasit Vectors. 2018 Aug 24;11(1):480.
Molecular detection and characterization of Theileria spp. infecting cattle in Sennar State, Sudan. Mohamed SB, Alagib A, AbdElkareim TB, Hassan MM, Johnson WC, Hussein HE, Taus NS, Ueti MW. Parasitol Res. 2018.
The Babesia bovis hap2 gene is not required for blood stage replication but expressed upon in vitro sexual stage induction. Hussein HE, Bastos RG, Schneider DA, Johnson WC, Adham FK, Davis WC, Laughery JM, Herndon DR, Alzan HF, Ueti MW, Suarez CE. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017.
Targeted silencing of the Aquaporin 2 gene of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus reduces tick fitness. Hussein HE, Scoles GA, Ueti MW, Suarez CE, Adham FK, Guerrero FD, Bastos RG. Parasit Vectors. 2015
Detection of tick blood parasites in Egypt using PCR assay II- Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.
Adham FK, El-Samie-Abd EM, Gabre RM, Hussein HE. J Egypt Soc Parasitol. 2010.
Detection of tick blood parasites in Egypt using PCR assay I--Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. Adham FK, Abd-el-Samie EM, Gabre RM, Hussein HE. Parasitol Res. 2009
My research interests revolve around vectors and vector-borne diseases, especially ticks and tick-borne diseases. I have studied several pathogens of veterinary and medical importance, my recent research uses my recent research uses genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics to develop anti-tick and pathogen transmission blocking vaccines.