Karen Rickel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Chair, Kinesiology & Sport Management, Sport Management Program Director

Dr. Rickel was born and raised in the California Bay Area. She moved to Spokane in 1992. She loves being in the Northwest and still plays "Let it Snow" the first snowfall of the year. She knew she wouldn't leave after running along the river in the...

Dr. Karen Rickel

Contact Information

AD Box 25

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Education, University of Idaho

M.S., Sport Science, University of Idaho

B.S., Physical Education, Eastern Washington University

A.A., Spokane Falls Community College

Dr. Rickel was born and raised in the California Bay Area. She moved to Spokane in 1992. She loves being in the Northwest and still plays "Let it Snow" the first snowfall of the year. She knew she wouldn't leave after running along the river in the fall. Her four siblings are all still in California, but her parents moved to Poulsbo, Washington and she enjoys having them closer to visit and camp together.

Dr. Rickel received her Bachelor's Degree from Eastern Washington University, in Health and Wellness Promotion and her Master's and PhD in Education from the University of Idaho. Most of her in-laws are here in Spokane and her husband is back at Gonzaga University (previously in 1998) as the women's golf coach. Dr. Rickel and her husband have two daughters and enjoy spending time and playing together as a family camping, golfing, and kayaking.


  • Rickel, K.F., Kavon, K.J. & Tunnell, D.T. (2009). Reaching to finish healthy and fit! Olympia School District Health Education Curriculum Grades 1-5. Olympia, WA: Author.
  • Rickel, K. F. (2008) Exercise adherence: Promoting exercise though philosophy, life stories & technology. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.


  • Rickel, K.F. & Hwang, Y. (2024). Exploring inclusive practices in Kinesiology programs. In E. Keith (Ed.). Decolonizing inclusive education: Centering heartwork, care, and listening (pp. 107-133). IGI Global Publishing.


  • Our Voices Staff (Eds). (2024). Rickel, K. The sea of humanity and I see you. In Our Voices Journal, Gonzaga University Press.
  • Zink, G., Rickel, K., & Fowler, B. (2023). Understanding university 51³Ô¹Ïs’ motivation for activity during a pandemic. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness Journal
  • *Jacek, A., Smith, J., *Elliot, L., Rickel, K., Millar, P. (2021). Exploring consumer motivation at small-scale ski resorts. International Journal of Research and Tourism and Hospitality, 7(1).
  • Rickel, K. F., Park, S., & Morales, J*. (2012). Multiple groups confirmatory factor analysis of the motivational factors influencing individuals’ decisions about participating in intramural sports. Sport Management International Journal, 8(2).
  • Rickel, K. (2008, Winter). Changing your perspective on exercise. ZagFit Wellness Newsletter.
  • Hasey, C*., Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller. J. M. (2007). Facilitating an online philosophic personal commitment to exercise. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 78(1), A92-A93.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J.M. (2006). A life narrative based exercise philosophy & curriculum for exercise adherence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77(Suppl.1), A31-A32.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S.K., & Beller, J.M. (2005). Effects of a life narrative based exercise philosophy, internet enhanced curriculum on college participants' subjective and objective exercise values. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (Suppl.1), A107-A108.

Professional Papers Presented

National & International

  • Turcott, R., Rickel, K. Kim, A. Hwang, Y. (2024, Feb. 16). Pitching for change: Evaluating a U.S. sport diplomacy program between Ecuador and Gonzaga University’s sport management program [Conference session]. Association for Sport Management 2024 Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States.
  • Nordstrom, H. and Rickel, K. (2019, October). High school sport coaches’ knowledge of 51³Ô¹Ï-athlete mental health and wellness. Paper presented at Association for Applied Sport Psychology International Conference, Portland, OR, United States.
  • Nordstrom, H. and Rickel, K. (2017, January). Mindfulness in sport and in daily life. Paper and workshop presented at Hawaii University International Conferences on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Honolulu, HI, United States.
  • Rickel, K.F. (2012, July). Let’s get zagfit! Challenging adults in higher education. Paper presented at National Social Sciences Association, Lake Tahoe, CA, United States.
    Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J. M. (2006, April). Hip hop meets Socrates come play with us! Poster presented at annual American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention & Exposition, National Association for Sport & Physical Education, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S.K., & Beller, J. M. (2006, April). Life narrative based exercise philosophy & curriculum for exercise adherence. Paper presented at the AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition, Research Consortium, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J. M. (2005, April). Exercise adherence-duty or passion. Paper presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition, Sport Philosophy Academy, Chicago, IL, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J. M. (2005, Apr. 16). Effects of a life narrative based exercise philosophy, internet enhanced curriculum on college participants' subjective and objective exercise values. Paper presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition, Research Consortium, Chicago, IL, United States.
  • Rickel, K.F., Stoll, S.K., & Beller, J. M. (2004, October 20). Exercise adherence? The role that sport philosophy can play in developing pedagogical practice. Paper presented at the annual International Association for the Philosophy of Sport, Fort Worth, TX, United States.

Regional & Local

  • Rickel, K. (2024, April 21). Preparation and engagement in school for college success. In C.Clay (Chair), Real Frequency [Webinar on college] Spokane, WA, United States.
  • Schara, N., Risse, K., Rickel, K.F., Tyler, P. Prewitt, M., Lewis, M. (2024, April 18). MENtal health: A conversation about suicide and the male population. [Panel guest]. Sponsored by Center for Community Engagement, Gonzaga University. Spokane, WA, United States.
  • Rickel, K. (2024, April 14). Connecting health and study abroad courses in Faculty Led Study Abroad France 2024. In R.Turcott [Professor], EDPE 485.03 International sport management collaborations, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, United States.
  • Rickel, K. & Sucic., D. (2023, Oct.13). Embracing evolution and the power of play. In B. Walker (Chair), Spokane Youth Sports Board of Directors retreat, Kalispel Country Club, Spokane, WA, United States.
  • Pickering, R. (Host). (2022, Dec.19). How do we reset our fitness goals when we’ve fallen off track? [Audio podcast episode]. In A closer look. Spokast and Inland Imaging.
  • Rickel, K.F., Zink, G. (2022, Oct. 6) Understanding university 51³Ô¹Ïs’ motivation for activity during a pandemic. Paper presented at Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness, Oakland, CA, United States.
  • Rickel, K.F., Jones, E., Fortier, L., Mangrobang, J., Strahl, S., & Tunnell, D.T. (2022, Feb.2). National girls and women in sport day. [Organizer and coordinator]. Celebrating 50 years of Title IX: A legacy for girls and women in sport, Spokane, WA, United States.
  • Chase, M., Burtz, R., Rolfe, D. Rickel, K.F., & Gain, A. (2022, April 14). Let’s talk internships! [Panel guest]. Washington Recreation and Parks Association annual conference, Bellevue, WA, United States. https://wrpa.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=931:2022-conference- schedule-day-2&catid=49:2022-annual-conference
  • Rickel, K.F. (2016, May). Finding their wheelhouse-using a wellness and sport lens to connect with people. Paper presented at The Pacific Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, San Mateo, CA, United States.
  • Nordstrom, H. and Rickel, K. (2015, August). Going online: Moving from campus to the virtual world. Paper presented at the National Technology and Social Sciences Conference, Portland, OR, United States.
  • Nordstrom, H. and Rickel, K. (2015, October). Transitioning a master’s program to the virtual world: A faculty perspective. Poster presented at the Technology-Enhanced Curricula in Higher Education Conference. Pullman, WA, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F. (2011, October). The role of sport management. Paper presented at Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness, Reno, NV, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F. (2011, October). Technology in teaching. Paper presented at Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness, Reno, NV, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Slack, J. V., & Stoll, S. K. (2010, October). We’ve been unfit before, let’s learn from it. The cost of obesity to America. Obesity and its effects. Symposium conducted at Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness, Reno, NV, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F. & Patton, T. (2010, October). A different view of exercise and fitness, Share your fitness gadgets, new workout equipment, and motivational techniques. Fitness Gadgets. Symposium conducted at Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness, Reno, NV, United States.
  • Tunnell, D. T. & Rickel, K. F. (2009, October) Reaching to finish healthy and fit! Olympia school district health education curriculum Grades 1-5. In-Service teacher training for Olympia School District using health curriculum. Olympia, WA, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J. M. (2004, October). Augmenting with e-learning for exercise adherence: Applying sport philosophy in developing pedagogical practice using web augmentation (WebCT) with Tips, Learning, and Challenges© and the Rickel Value Inventory©. Paper presented at the Western Conference for Physical Educators, Reno, NV, United States.
  • Rickel, K. F., Stoll, S. K., & Beller, J. M. (2004, October) Exercise and philosophy: Incongruent or necessity? Applying sport philosophy in developing pedagogical practice using web augmentation (WebCT) with tips, learning, and Challenges© and the Rickel value Inventory©. Paper presented at the Idaho Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Moscow, ID, United States.

Submitted Grants

  • Rickel, K.F. & Turcott, R.J. (2023). International Education Council, Center for Global Engagement Gonzaga University—Wheelchair Basketball Program Development with Italian Basketball Association.
  • Turcott, R.J., Rickel, K.F. (2023). Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State. Sport for Social Change: Social Inclusion through Baseball, Ecuador ($140,000). Department of Kinesiology & Sport Management and Gonzaga Center for Global Engagement. Professor on project team.
  • Turcott, R.J., Rickel, K.F. (2022) International Education Council, Center for Global Engagement Gonzaga University, Wuhan Sports University Academic Collaboration. Unable accept.
  • Rickel, K.F. (2021). Faculty Senate Speaker Series, Gonzaga University. National Girls & Women in Sports Day Discussion Panel, Gonzaga University.