I began my 39th year in the School of Business Administration at Gonzaga University in the fall of 2024. I strongly believe in the education that Gonzaga provides its 51³Ô¹Ïs; it is second to none. The University's Jesuit mission, the excellence of our faculty, the expertise of our staff, and the quality of our 51³Ô¹Ïs combine to produce an outstanding academic experience. We are a first-rate business school and the fact that we are such a school within a tremendous liberal arts university makes our business education all the better.
Select Publications
“Creating a sustainable competitive advantage: A resource-based organizational analysis of the Gonzaga University men’s basketball program,” (Kenneth S. Anderson & Eddy Birrer) Journal of Sport Administration & Supervision, (2011, 3(1), 10-21. Published online).
“Corporate entrepreneurship, gender, and credibility: An exploratory study,” (Molly Pepper & Kenneth Anderson) Marketing Management Journal, 2009, 19(2), 139-146.
“The interactive effects of positive affect and conscientiousness on strain,” (Kelly L. Zellars, Pamela L. Perrewe’, Wayne A. Hochwarter & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2006, 11, 281-289.
“The selection of an arbitrator: A human resource management perspective,” (Kenneth S. Anderson) Preventive Law Reporter, 2005, 22, 4, 4-7.
"When ethics collide: Managing conflicts across cultures," (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls & Kenneth S. Anderson) Organizational Dynamics, 2000, 28, 4, 52-66.
“Resolving cross-cultural ethical conflict: An empirical test of a decision tree model in an educational setting,” (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls & Kenneth S. Anderson) Teaching Business Ethics, 1999, 3, 1, 37-56.
"A model for assessing cross-cultural ethical conflicts,” (Paul Buller, John Kohls, & Kenneth Anderson) Business & Society, 1997, 36, 2, 169-193.
“A test of goal commitment as a moderator of the relationship between goal level and performance,” (Nancy G. Dodd & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 1996, 11, 2, 329-336.
"The challenge of global ethics," (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls, & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Business Ethics, 1991, 10, 35-43.
"An exploratory analysis of burnout across dual-income and single-income families," (David Elloy & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 1991, 13, 457-469.
"Burnout among dual career and single career families," (David Elloy & Kenneth S. Anderson) Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1990, 3, 57-64.
"The theory of structural differentiation revisited: A theory of structural change or scale?" (John B. Cullen, Kenneth S. Anderson, & Douglas D. Baker) Academy of Management Journal, 1986, 29, 203 229.
“Negotiation Tactics for Gaining Initial Legitimacy” Matthew W. Rutherford, Neil Tocher, Kenneth Anderson & Paul F. Buller), in Matthew Marvel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of New Venture Management, SAGE Publications, 2012.
"Towards a global ethic?" (Paul F. Buller, John J. Kohls, & Kenneth S. Anderson), in International Association for Business & Society (Eds.) Current Issues in Business & Society, Chapter 3, pp 61-78, Edwin Mellon Press, 1991.