Kevin R. Measor, Ph.D.

Director of Neuroscience and Senior Lecturer of Psychology

Kevin Measor, a native of the Boston area, has been teaching for the Biology department at Gonzaga from 2014 till spring 2024. In the summer of 2024 Kevin joined the Psychology Department as a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Neuroscience Program....

Portrait of Dr. Kevin Measor

Contact Information

  • Office Hours Spring 2025

    M,W,F 10-11am HSB 209
    T,R 10-11am College Hall 032G

  • (509) 313-6650

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of California, Riverside
M.A. Biology, Lehman College
M.S.Ed. College Student Personnel Services, University of Dayton
B.S. Biology and History, Roger Williams University

Courses Taught

BIOL105 and BIOL105L Information Flow in Biological Systems and Lab
BIOL106 Energy Flow in Biological Systems
BIOL170 and BIOL170L Introduction to Microbiology and Lab
BIOL441 Neurophysiology
BIOL399 Phantoms in the Brain
BIOL399 Neurobiology of Pain
BIOL399 Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain
BIOL399 Neuroethology
BIOL399 Neurobiology of Mental Illness
BIOL399 Behavioral Endocrinology
BIOL399 Cartography of the Brain
BIOL399 Neurobiology of Vision
BIOL499 Senior Colloquium
HPHY451 Systems Neurophysiology

Kevin Measor, a native of the Boston area, has been teaching for the Biology department at Gonzaga from 2014 till spring 2024. In the summer of 2024 Kevin joined the Psychology Department as a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Neuroscience Program. As part of the University of Washington School of Medicine-Gonzaga University Health Partnership he also teaches neurobiology, neuroanatomy and research methods to first and second year medical 51³Ô¹Ïs, while also serving as the co-lead for the Mind, Brain, and Behavior block. He graduated from the University of California, Riverside with a PhD in Neuroscience with research focusing on how the auditory cortex of bats encodes differences in sound intensity. Before starting his career as neuroscientist he gained a master’s degree from the University of Dayton in College Student Personnel Services and has held different professional positions at various universities ranging from Assistant Director of Residence Life at Fordham University to Head Women’s Volleyball Coach at Newbury College. He has a passion for educating the public about neuroscience and increasing awareness of issues surrounding mental illness, substance abuse disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. He is the past Director for the Spokane Center for Public Neuroscience (SCPNE) an outreach organization that participates in STEM fairs, public science lectures and discussions, and science advocacy.