Dr. Hoag is an alumnus of Gonzaga University’s accounting program. After graduation, he worked for three years as an audit associate/senior in KPMG’s Seattle office with clients in a range of industries including healthcare, technology, higher education and manufacturing.
Dr. Hoag is excited to be teaching at his alma mater and is passionate about advising and mentoring 51³Ô¹Ïs to empower their success. He integrates current business events, corporate governance theory, and ethical issues in course lessons and assignments to encourage 51³Ô¹Ïs to recognize the importance of the big picture. Dr. Hoag is also an avid Gonzaga basketball fan. Go Zags!
Accepted Manuscripts
Matthew L. Hoag and Gabriel D. Saucedo (2018) Disclosure and Audit Implications of Nonfinancial Measures: A Teaching Case. Current Issues in Auditing: Spring 2018, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. I1-I13.
Teets, W. and Hoag, M. 2017. “Operating Leases Used to be the Easy Ones.” Today’s CPA (Nov/Dec):34-40
Hoag, M., Myring, M. and Schroeder, J. 2017. “Has Sarbanes-Oxley Standardized Audit Quality?” American Journal of Business 32 (1): 2-23.
Orchard, L. and Hoag, M. 2014. “Revenue Process Internal Control for Manufacturers: An Evaluation Tool for Independent Auditors and Managers.” Journal of Business & Economics Research 12(2): 137-144
Carver, B., Cline, B. and Hoag, M. 2013. “Underperformance of Founder-led Firms: An Examination of Compensation Contracting Theories During the Executive Stock Options Backdating Scandal.” Journal of Corporate Finance 23 (December): 294-310.
Hoag, M. and Hollingsworth, C. 2011. “An Intertemporal Analysis of Audit Fees and Section 404 Internal Control Deficiencies” (with Carl Hollingsworth). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 30 (2): 173-200.