MD Abdulla Al Mamun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Dr. MD Abdulla Al Mamun

Contact Information

AD Box 051

  • Bollier Center, Room 219
  • Office Hours Spring 2025

    On Sabbatical

  • (509) 313-5714

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Statistics,University of Windsor

M.S., Mathematics, Western University

M.S., Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

B.S., Mathematics, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

Courses Taught

MATH 147: Precalculus

MATH 157: Calculus- Analytical Geometry I 

MATH 221: Applied Statistics 

MATH 258: Calculus-Analytical Geometry II

MATH 260: Ordinary Differential Equations 

MATH 321: Statistics for Experimentalists

MATH 362: Applied Statistical Models

MATH 421: Probability Theory

MATH 422: Mathematical Statistics

MATH 425: Applied Statistical Models

MATH 426: Experimental Design

MATH 454: Partial Differential Equations

MEDSCI 510: Fundamentals of Medical Science and Research

  • Model Selection in Generalized Linear Models, A Mamun, S Paul, 2023, Symmetry, 15 (10), 1905.
  • Longitudinal Data Regression Analysis Using Semiparametric Modelling, A Mamun, S Paul, (Accepted-July 2023), REVSTAT-Statistical Journal.
  • M. A. Mamun and M. R. Talukder, “Natural Dualities for Four-element Boolean Algebras with a Unary Operation”, Southeast Asian Bulletin Math., 2008, 32(4): 707-719.
  • M. R. Talukder, M. A. Mamun, and M. S. Kadir, “A Natural Duality for Quasi-variety generated by three-element Residuated Chain”, Journal of SUST Studies, 2010, 12(1):1-6.
  • M. A. Haque, M. A. Mamun, "Uses of real options and futures contract to evaluate a palladium mining project considering price risk", Global Journal of Pure and Applied Page 17 of 26 | Created 10-30-2019 18:10:28 | MD ABDULLA AL MAMUN Mamun: CV 5 | P a g e Mathematics, 2013, 9(6): 591-599.
  • M. A. Mamun and M. A. Haque, “Roots of Monic Quadratic Over Octonion”, Journal of SUST Studies, 2014, 24: 55-59.
  • M. A. Mamun, “Explicit Solution for the Octonion Equation = 0 2 x + bx + xc + d ”, Journal of SUST Studies, 2014, 24: 9-15.
  • Mohammad Islam, Abdul Hye and Abdulla Mamun, “Nonlinear Effects on the Convergence of Picard and Newton Iteration Methods in the Numerical Solution of OneDimensional Variably Saturated–Unsaturated Flow Problems”, Hydrology 2017, 4-50:1- 18.

I am motivated by the fact, “Teaching is a profession that creates all other professions”. Teaching in post-secondary level requires that a teacher has to be updated with new developments of methodologies and their applications in various fields, which can be achieved by learning through continual active research. The main focus of my research, in broader sense, is on biostatistics and its applications. In particular, my research interest is related to Longitudinal Data Analysis, Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Survival Analysis, Regression Diagnostics and Statistical Modelling. My interests also extend to areas such as Public Health, Clinical Trials, Epidemiology and so on. Currently I am working on
  • Joint mean and covariance model in Longitudinal Data
  • Joint mean and covariance model in varying coefficient models
  • Model selection in GLM, over-dispersed GLM and zero-inflated GLM