Michael Hazel, Ph.D.

Professor of Communication & Leadership Studies

Dr. Hazel earned his Ph.D. from Washington State University after living and teaching at Immaculate Heart College in southern Japan. His areas of interest include organizational communication, the scholarship of teaching and learning, research methods,...

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Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D., Interdisciplinary: Communication, Statistics, & Psychology, Washington State University

M.A., Communication, Washington State University

B.A., Speech Communication, Gonzaga University

Courses Taught

COML 504 Organizational Communication

COML 507 Mindful Leadership and Communication

COML 511 Communication Consulting and Training

COML 514 Strategic and Applied Public Relations

COML 515 Relational Communication

COML 518 Online Course Design and Teaching

COML 595 Theorizing Communication

COML 599 Content Creation and Strategy

COML 602 M.A. Capstone Seminar

Dr. Hazel earned his Ph.D. from Washington State University after living and teaching at Immaculate Heart College in southern Japan. His areas of interest include organizational communication, the scholarship of teaching and learning, research methods, communication anxiety and competence, and mindfulness/positive psychology in communication.


Cunningham, C. M., Hazel, M., & Tracey, J. (2020). Communication and leadership 2020: Intersectional, mindful, and digital. Communication Research Trends.

Popa, A., Hazel, M., & Barker, D. (2018). The predictive power of young voter perceptions of presidential leadership qualities in the 2012 election. Journal of Leadership Studies.

Hazel, M., Karst, J., Saez, G., Wongprasert, T., & Ayres, J. (2017). Testing the communibiological paradigm: The similarity of fraternal and identical twins across three communication variables. The Northwest Journal of Communication.

Hazel, M., & Hsu, C. (2017). Understanding online writing apprehension: An examination of temperament, motivation, fear of negative evaluation, and self-perceived communication competence. The Northwest Journal of Communication.

Hazel, M., Keaten, J., & Kelly, L. (2014). The relationship of temperament, communication reticence, and fear of negative evaluation. Communication Research Reports.

Hazel, M., Crandall, H., & Caputo, J. (2014). Perceptions of teacher misbehaviors in distance graduate education. Southern Communication Journal.

Crandall, H., Hazel, M., & Caputo, J. (2012). What do they expect? Academically entitled 51³Ô¹Ïs and perceptions of teacher misbehaviors in the online classroom. In L.A. Wankel and C. Wankel (Eds.) (pp. 43-51). Misbehavior Online in Higher Education: Cutting-edge Technologies in Higher Education series. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Group.

Popa, A., Hazel, M., Whatley, L., Andenoro, A., & Crandall, H. (2011). Young voters’ perceptions of candidates’ leadership practices in the 2008 U.S. presidential race. Journal of Leadership Studies.

Hazel, M., McMahon, C., & Schmidt, N. (2011). Immediate feedback: A means of reducing distracting filler words during public speeches. Basic Communication Course Annual.

Kelly, L., Keaten, J., Hazel, M., & Williams, J. (2010). Effects of reticence and affect of communication channels on usage of instant messaging and self-perceived competence. Communication Research Reports.

Ayres, J., Hopf, T., Hazel, M., & Sonandre, D. (2009) Performance visualization. In J.C. McCroskey and J.A. Daley (Eds.) (pp. 375-394). Avoiding communication: Shyness, reticence and communication apprehension, (3rd edition). New Jersey: Hampton Press.

Hazel, M., Hsu, C., & Ayres, J. (2008). Communication apprehension interventions. International Encyclopedia of Communication. London: Blackwell. 

Hsu, C., Hazel, M., & Ayres, J. (2008). Speech Anxiety. International Encyclopedia of Communication. London: Blackwell. 

Hazel, M., Wongprasert, T., & Ayres, J. (2006). Twins: How similar are fraternal and identical twins across four communication variables? Journal of Northwest Communication Association.

Crandall, H., & Hazel, M. (2002). Issues in communication education: An interview with Joe Ayres (editor 1999-2002). Communication Education.

Hazel, M., & Ayres, J. (1998). Conversational turn-taking behaviors of Japanese and Americans in small groups. Japanese Association of Language Teachers Journal.

Ayres, J., Bloomfield, K., & Hazel, M. (1996). The editorial speech. Speech Communication Teacher