Susan Edwards, MSN, RN, CHSE, PCCN

Lecturer of Nursing & Resource Simulation Center Director

Susan Edwards is a Lecturer of Nursing in the BSN Program and the Resource and Simulation Center Director. She is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator and Progressive Care Certified Nurse. Susan is passionate about experiential learning through...

Contact Information

502 E Boone Ave

Education & Curriculum Vitae

MSN, Nursing Education, Gonzaga University, 2017


BSN, Eastern Washington University, 1984



Courses Taught

NURS 315 Practicum I - Assessing and Promoting Wellness for Healthy Individuals and Families in Community Settings (RSC portion, skills teaching and evaluation, and simulation)

NURS 352 Practicum II: Care of Individuals and Families Within Healthcare Organizations (RSC portion, skills teaching and evaluation, and simulation)

NURS 403 Practicum III: Care of Individuals with Acute Exacerbations & Chronic Alterations in Health Status (RSC portion, skills teaching and evaluation, and simulation)

NURS 468 Practicum IV: Member of the Nursing Profession (RSC portion, simulation)

NURS 492 Clinical Update (RSC portion of individual Learning Plan)

Susan Edwards is a Lecturer of Nursing in the BSN Program and the Resource and Simulation Center Director. She is a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator and Progressive Care Certified Nurse. Susan is passionate about experiential learning through simulation and the development of clinical reasoning skills. With over 35 years of clinical experience in critical care and cardiac care, Susan uses her knowledge to develop high level skills training and simulation activities for BSN 51³Ô¹Ïs. 

Schiavenato, M., Edwards, S. Tiedt, J., & Owens, J (2022). Comparing the Learning Effectiveness of Three Virtual Simulation Tools With Nursing Students During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 67, 18-23.