I love teaching and researching philosophy, and these are not two distinct activities. Research questions are thought through in the classroom and preparation for teaching is conducted in the confines of my office. I hope 51³Ô¹Ïs leave every class equipped and eager to pose better questions next class, but pained by the realization that they know less now than before class. Areas of expertise include questions in 19th, 20th and 21st (still living!) Century European Philosophy and the Philosophy of Religion. I enjoy conversing with budding gadflies at Gonzaga, but am most proud of two burgeoning philosophers at home.
(2017) The Contingency of Necessity: On God and Reason as Matters of Fact. [New Perspectives in Ontology.] Edinburgh University Press.
(2017) Nature, Speculation and the Return to Schelling. [Special Issues as Books.] Routledge. Co-edited with Daniel Whistler.
This volume originally appeared under the same title in 2016 in Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. Vol. 21:4, also co-edited with Daniel Whistler.
Re-Published in this Volume:
“Editors’ Introduction: Schellingian Experiments in Speculation”, co-authored with Daniel Whistler. “Against Kant: Toward an Inverted Transcendentalism or a Philosophy of the Doctrinal.”
(2012) Beyond Presence: The Late F.W.J. Schelling’s Criticism of Metaphysics. [Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie.] De Gruyter Publishing.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
(forthcoming) “The Contingency of God.” The Heythrop Journal.
(forthcoming) “On Matter: Schelling’s Anti-Platonic Reading of the Timaeus.” Kabiri (online journal). Inaugural Issue.
(2017) “Existence as the Question of Faith: Tillich’s Existential Reorientation of the Arguments for God’s Existence.” Annals of Theology. Vol. 64:2.
(2016) “Against Kant: Toward an Inverted Transcendentalism or a Philosophy of the Doctrinal.” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. Vol. 21:4.
(2016) “What is Called Free Thinking? Revelation as the Object of Speculative Philosophy.” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. Vol. 92:1.
(2015) “After Contingency: Toward the Principle of Sufficient Reason as Post Factum.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy. Vol. 19:1.
(2015) “Per Posterius: Hume and Peirce on Miracles and the Boundaries of the Scientific Game.” Argument: A Biannual Philosophical Journal. Vol. 4:2.
(2015) “Christ as Copula: On the Incarnation and the Possibility of Religious Exclusivism.” Analecta Hermeneutica Vol. 6.
(2014) “The Body as Proffer, An Involuntary ‘Here I Am!’” Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy. Issue 20. http://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia20/parrhesia20_tritten.pdf
(2014) “Language and Anthropogenesis: Agamben’s Profanity.” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie. Vol. 76.
(2014) “The Trace as Tautegorical: An Account of the Face in Levinas.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy. Vol. 18:2.
(2014) “Lars von Trier: The Impossibility of the Good” Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. Vol. 14:1. http://www.jcrt.org/archives/14.1/trier.pdf
(2014) “Twilight of the Gods: Nancy and Schelling on the End of Myth and Politics.” Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 26.
(2013) “A Will Free to Presence...or Not: On the Originality of the Will.” Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy. Vol. 18:1.
(2012) “Entsetzung as Affectivity: An Account of Passivity in the Late Schelling.” Idealistic Studies. Vol. 42:1.
(2012) “Schelling’s Doctrine of the Potencies: The Unity of Thinking and Being.” Philosophy and Theology. Vol. 24:2.
(2011) “First Philosophy and the Religious: Tillich on Theonomy.” Philosophy and Theology. Vol. 23:1.
(2011) “The Late Schelling’s Theo-Monism Opposed to Badiou’s Subtractive Ontology.” Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology. Vol. 72:1.
(2010) “Nature and Freedom: Repetition as Supplement in the Late Schelling.” Sophia. Vol. 49:2.
Edited Journal Editions
(2016) “Nature, Speculation and the Return to Schelling.” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. Vol. 21:4. Co-edited with Dr. Daniel Whistler. “Editors’ Introduction: Schellingian Experiments in Speculation” co-authored with Daniel Whistler.
Translations in Peer-Reviewed Journals
(2014) “Anthropological Schema: A Translation of Schelling’s Anthropologisches Schema.” Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 26.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
(forthcoming) “Peritrope in Damascius as an Apparatus of Speculative Ontology.” Prometheus Trust Publishers of Great Britain.
Invited Book Chapters
(forthcoming) “Schelling and Contemporary Philosophy” in The Palgrave Schelling Handbook. Edited by Sean J. McGrath and Kyla Bruff. Palgrave Macmillan.
(2015) “Withering Away in Atrophy: Kierkegaard’s Either/Or and Schelling’s Law of the World” in Hermeneutics, Ethics and Education. Edited by Andrzej Wiercinski. LIT Verlag.
Book Reviews
(forthcoming) Heidegger’s Pauline and Lutheran Roots, Duane Armitage, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. In European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
(2015) Spinoza and German Idealism, Eckart Förster and Yitzhak Y. Melamed (eds.), Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. In Schelling-Studien 3.
19th, 20th and 21st Century Continental Philosophy (German Idealism, Post-Idealism and Post-Hegelian Critics, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Speculative Ontologies); Philosophy of Religion
History of Ethical Theory; Modern Philosophy; Critical Thinking; Ancient Philosophy
Realism after German Idealism: Alternatives to the Kantian Paradigm.
A Presentation of Purely Rational Philosophy: A Translation of Schelling’s ‘Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosopie.’