Teaching science is the best occupation in the world. It is uplifting to challenge a 51³Ô¹Ï, let them struggle with an idea, then watch that “ah-ha” moment when they get it. Personally, this is gratifying and thrilling. It fills each day with challenges and rewards. It is also rewarding to see 51³Ô¹Ïs as they mature, graduate and go on to bigger and better things. I have been lucky to get to know some wonderful 51³Ô¹Ïs. It is fantastic to follow them as they choose a career and excel at it.
Bertagnolli, M.E., Ettinger, W.F., Herzog, C.W. Assessing the Irritation Potential of Toothpastes Using a Red Blood Cell Lysis Assay. Manuscript in Preparation.
Kirk R. Anders , Alex M. Murphy*, William F. Ettinger, Douglas Kempthorne, Charles Kittridge, Alex Kures*, Sarah Lundgren*, Jacob Masters*, Rachel Noyes*, Christina Winters*, Perry Yazzolino*, Kasandra Ziebert*, Joseph Haydock, Stephen Hayes, Rebecca A. Garlena, Daniel A. Russell, Marianne K. Poxleitner, Ann-Scott H. Ettinger (2017) Genome Sequences of Cluster K Mycobacteriophages DrHayes, Urkel, and SamuelLPlaqson Genome. ASM Genome Announcements. SUBMITTED http://genomea.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex?el=A7IG1yjo1B7Czai2F5A9ftdyGHj7SyL2LexuLy6zZqbZAZ
Ettinger, WF (2015) Analyzing Anaphylaxis: Bees, Latex, and Peanuts: Watch Out for a Severe Allergic Reaction. Ski Patrol 32(2): 69-72.
Johnson, C.H., Shingles R., & Ettinger, W.F. (2006) Regulation and Role of Ca++ Fluxes in the Chloroplast., Chapter 20 in “The Structure and Function of Plastids" Robert R. Wise & J. Kenneth Hoober eds. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration Series, Springer, The Netherlands. 403-416
Hou, H.J.M., Zhang, X., Liu, H. *Stevens, J., *Young, E., *Lien, T., *Dempsey, E.*, Ettinger, W.F. & Gunner, M. (2005) “Photodamage of one bacteriopheophytin molecule in the photosynthetic reaction center from R. sphaeroides”, in Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives, A. Van Der Est and D. Bruce eds., Vol 1, pp. 501-503
Avenson, T. J., Kanazawa, A., Cruz, J. A., Takizawa, K., Ettinger, W. F., and Kramer, D. M. (2005). "Integrating the proton circuit into photosynthesis: progress and challenges." Plant Cell and Environment 28: 97–109.
Li, T., Sirakova, D., Rogers, L., Ettinger, W.F., & Kolattukudy, P.E. (2002) Regulation of Constitutively Expressed and Induced Cutinase Genes by Different Zinc Finger Transcription Factors in Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi (Nectria haematococca) J. Biol. Chem. 277: 7905-7912.
Miller, K.L. & Muelheim, J. (corporate authorship: please see comments in personal statement) (2002) Report of the Food Allergy Task Force To Dr. Brian Benzel, Superintendent Spokane Public Schools. http://www.spokaneschools.org/NutritionServices/pdf/FATF.pdf
Ettinger, W.F., *Clear, A.M., *Fanning, K.J., *Peck, M.-L. (1999) Identification of a Ca++/H+ antiporter in the plant chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Plant Physiol. 119: 1379-1385.
Lefcort, H., *Thomson, S.M., *Cowles, E.E., *Harowicz, H.L., *Livaudias, B.M., Roberts, W.E., and Ettinger, W.F. (1999) "The importance of fear: Predator and heavy metal-mediated competition between tadpoles (Rana luteiventris) and snails (Lymnaea pulustris)." Ecological Applications, 9: 1477-1489.
Lefcort, H., *Meguire, R.A., *Wilson, L.H., and Ettinger, W.F. (1998) "The effects of heavy metals on the survival, growth, metamorphosis, and anti-predatory behavior of Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) tadpoles." Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 35: 447-456.
Hashimoto, A., Ettinger, W.F., Yamamoto, Y. and Theg, S. M. (1997) Assembly of newly imported oxygen-evolving complex subunits in isolated chloroplasts: sites of assembly and mechanism of binding. The Plant Cell, 9: 441-452.
Ettinger, R.H., Ettinger, W.F., & *Harless, W.E. (1997) Active immunization with cocaine-protein conjugate attenuates cocaine's effects. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 58: 215-220.
Bormann, N.E., Van Der Sluys, W.G. & Ettinger, W.F. (1995) Heavy metal transport implications of biotic uptake in the Coeur d'Alene River. In: Watershed Management: Planning for the 21st Century. Ward, T.J,. ed. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 165-174.
Lippuner, V., Chou, I.T., Scott, S.V., Ettinger, W.F., Theg, S.M., & Gasser, C.S. (1994) Cloning and characterization of chloroplast and cytosolic forms of cyclophilin from Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Biol. Chem., 269: 7863-7868.
Olsen, L.J., Ettinger, W.F., Damsz, B., Matsudaira, K., Webb, M.A., & Harada, J.J. (1993) Targeting of glyoxysomal proteins to peroxisomes in leaves and roots of higher plants. The Plant Cell, 5: 941-952.
Ettinger, W.F. & Theg, S.M. (1992) Sequence of the cDNA encoding the 17 kDa protein of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex of pea. Plant Physiol., 99: 791-793.
Cline, K., Ettinger, W.F. & Theg, S.M. (1991) Protein-specific energy requirements for protein transport across or into thylakoid membranes: two lumenal proteins are transported in the absence of ATP. J. Biol. Chem., 267: 2688-2696.
Ettinger, W.F. & Theg, S.M. (1991) Physiologically active chloroplasts contain pools of unassembled extrinsic proteins of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving enzyme complex in the thylakoid lumen. J. Cell Biol., 115: 321-328.
Ettinger, W.F., & Harada, J.J., (1990) Translational or posttranslational processes affect the accumulation of isocitrate lyase and malate synthase proteins and enzyme activities in embryos and seedlings of Brassica napus. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 281: 139-143.
Ettinger, W.F., Thukral, S.K., & Kolattukudy, P.E. (1987) Structure of cutinase gene, cDNA and the derived amino acid sequence from phytopathogenic fungi. Biochem., 26: 7883-7892.
Kolattukudy, P.E., Crawford, M.S., Woloshuk, C.P., Ettinger, W.F., & Soliday, C.L. (1987) The role of cutin, the plant cuticular hydroxy fatty acid polymer, in the fungal infection of plants. In: Ecology and Metabolism of Plant Lipids. Fuller, G., & Nes, W.D. eds. American Chemical Society Symposium Series # 325. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., pp 152-175.
Kolattukudy, P.E., Sebastian, J., Ettinger, W.F., & Crawford, M.S. (1987) Cutinase and pectinase in host-pathogen and plant-bacterial interaction. In: Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Verma, D.P.S., & Brisson, N. eds. Mortinus Nijhoff Publ., pp 43-50.
Kolattukudy, P.E., Ettinger, W.F., & Sebastian, J. (1987) Cuticular lipids in plant-microbe interactions. In: The Metabolism, Structure, and Function of Plant Lipids. Stumpf, P.K., Mudd, J.B., & Ness, W.D. eds. Plenum Publ., pp 473-480.