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Course Catalog

Course Detail

CENG 352 Water Resources Engineering
3.00 credits
Use of fluid mechanics in the engineering analysis and design of components of hydraulic and hydrologic systems. Hydraulics topics include closed conduit flow and water distribution systems; pump selection and cavitation; steady, uniform, and gradually varied flow of water in open channels; specific energy and transitions; and culvert designs. Hydrology topics include watershed delineation; design rainfall; rainfall abstractions; unit/runoff hydrographs; peak flows; and reservoir routing/detention pond design. The associated lab course stresses a variety of practical hydraulic and hydrologic applications both in the lab and in the field including measuring pipe friction; developing pump curves and observing cavitation; analyzing hydraulic jumps; measuring flow with weirs and sluice gates; delineating watersheds; measuring infiltration rates; measuring streamflow; and the development and implementation of a 51³Ô¹Ï derived investigation.
CENG 252 Minimum Grade: D or ENSC 352 Minimum Grade: D