
Graduate Programs

Master of Public Health

Improve the health of communities

Gonzaga University's online Master of Public Health equips you with the knowledge to improve the well-being of people and communities.


  • Grounded in the science of public health
  • 2-year completion time
  • Fully online program
  • Designed for working adults
Applying is a straightforward process.


Robin Pickering profile photo

Why Gonzaga?

"At Gonzaga, our online Master of Public Health empowers you to lead with compassion and integrity, combining rigorous public health education and our Jesuit tradition of social justice to create a healthier more equitable world.”

Robin Pickering, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Public Health
Gonzaga University School of Health Sciences

Facts & Figures



2 Yr

Completion Time

Fully Online Program

Asycnchronous Classes