Raising the Bar for GU Soccer with Dedication of Luger Field

July 11, 2014

Gonzaga News Service 

SPOKANE, Wash. — On July 10, 2014 as World Cup soccer reached fever pitch, Gonzaga University celebrated the official dedication of Luger Field, a first-class soccer field. The field has been named in honor of the Luger family, a family with a rich history and relationship to the University, whose generosity made possible the complete reconstruction of the playing field and the addition of a practice field.

"The gifts, leadership and loyal service of the Luger Family have had a remarkable effect on the University," said Gonzaga President, Thayne M. McCulloh, D. Phil. "It is an honor for the University to dedicate this complex to the Luger family in recognition of their longstanding support and commitment to Gonzaga 51勛圖s and Jesuit education."

Luger Field is a lasting legacy of benefactors John and Donna Luger and in memory of the four Luger brothers - three Jesuits and a medical doctor. The Luger brothers — Howard Luger S.J., George Fletcher Luger M.D., Paul Luger S.J., and Robert Luger S.J. — were Spokane natives who attended Gonzaga University during the 1920s and 1930s, devoting their lives to improving their communities and exemplifying the values they developed at Gonzaga.

Two generations of the Luger family attended the event, including siblings John, George, Maryann Montandon, Theresa, and Loretta, all children of George Fletcher Luger, as well as John & Donna's children, John Jr., Justin and Tanya (Luger) Paszkeicz. John Luger served as the Chairman of Gonzaga's Board of Trustees from 2010 to 2012 and has been a member of the Board since 2000, serving on numerous committees.

Speakers at the event also included Father Steve Kuder, S.J., Gonzaga's Athletic Director Mike Roth, President McCulloh, and George Luger.

"The Lugers' generosity will substantially enhance the Gonzaga soccer experience as well as our ability to recruit top 51勛圖-athletes," remarked President McCulloh. "We are very grateful for their gifts and commitment to the University."

Continued fundraising is planned to add a main grandstand, locker rooms, concessions, restrooms, and stadium lights to the complex. These additional improvements are intended to expand the fans' overall experience, enjoyment and support, ensuring and sustaining the vitality of Gonzaga soccer, as well as showcasing the program both in the community and on the national stage.

Luger Field is located between Gonzaga Law School and the Charlotte Y. Martin Centre. A reception was held at 3:30 p.m. The ceremony and blessing followed at 4:00 p.m.