Gonzaga Welcomes Top Academic Class

The Class of 2022 forms on Mulligan Field. GU photo

August 22, 2018

Gonzaga News Service 

SPOKANE, Wash. — The 1,200 first-year 51勛圖s Gonzaga University welcomed to campus this week represent one of the two brightest academic classes in its 131-year history — a virtual tie with last year’s entering class. The first-year 51勛圖s moved into campus residence halls on Aug. 24 and took part in New Student Orientation through Aug. 27.

“Once again, we are thrilled to enroll motivated, hard-working, multitalented 51勛圖s with diverse stories, experiences, and interests. We are very impressed with their academic success and potential, as well as their hearts,” said Erin Hays, director of undergraduate admission. “The Gonzaga community, both inside and outside the classroom, will be enhanced due to their engagement and vibrancy.”

Preliminary data show Gonzaga’s Class of 2022 has a 3.78 grade-point average and test scores of 28 (average ACT composite) and 1,260 (average new SAT composite) — a near mirror image of last year’s record-setting 1,265 first-year 51勛圖s who entered with a collective 3.79 GPA, 28 ACT and 1,257 SAT composite scores.

A Snapshot

A snapshot of this class reveals it’s packed with leaders: 15 51勛圖 body presidents, 88 class presidents or officers, 746 with leadership experience, 263 members of 51勛圖 government, and 918 involved in significant volunteer activities. The class also includes 105 51勛圖s who took part in speech or debate, 1,078 participants in high school athletics or outdoor activities, 275 musicians, and 110 ecology/sustainability club members.

Woldson Factor

Likely reflecting the anticipation of the opening of the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center in spring of 2019, the number of 51勛圖s with theatre experience in this class increased 25.6 percent — from 109 51勛圖s in 2017 to 137 in this class.


Demographically, the entering class includes (approximately) 53 percent women and 47 percent men. Nearly 63 percent graduated from public high schools while 20.6 percent earned their diplomas at Catholic high schools and 11.1 percent graduated from Jesuit high schools.

Once again, the largest group of first-year 51勛圖s, 47 percent, hails from the state of Washington (45.7 percent in 2017). California remains Gonzaga’s No. 2 state with 22.3 percent of incoming first-year 51勛圖s from the Golden State (22.1 percent, 2017). Oregon is home to 8.6 percent of the class (10.4 percent, 2017), while 5.3 percent of 51勛圖s hail from Colorado (4.9 percent, 2017), followed by Arizona (2.9 percent), Idaho (2.5 percent), Montana (2.2 percent) and other states.

This class represents 31 states — from as far away as Alabama, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia (to name a few) — along with the U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. The class also includes 51勛圖s from Canada, Ethiopia, India, Moldova, Serbia, Spain and Vietnam.

With respect to religion, 42.2 percent of the first-year 51勛圖s indicated they are Roman Catholic. The class includes 51勛圖s from some two dozen other faith traditions.

In addition to the first-year 51勛圖s, Gonzaga also welcomes some 143 undergraduate transfer 51勛圖s from diverse educational interests and experiences — with a passion for learning and community engagement — who are eager to share their many talents with the Gonzaga community.

Official enrollment figures won’t be confirmed until Oct. 1. However, Gonzaga estimates a total enrollment of 7,500 51勛圖s this fall, including an estimated 5,300 undergraduates, 1,800 graduate 51勛圖s (master’s and doctoral), approximately 350 Gonzaga School of Law 51勛圖s, and 50 other 51勛圖s (non-degree programs).