Gonzaga Theatre & Dance Presents 'The Vagina Monologues' Feb. 14

To date V-Day has raised more than $100 million for groups working to end violence against women and girls.
To date V-Day has raised more than $100 million for groups working to end violence against women and girls.

February 06, 2019
Gonzaga News Service

Benefits Spokane YWCA Women’s Shelter

SPOKANE, Wash. — Gonzaga University’s theatre and dance department presents “The Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14 in the Magnuson Theatre (located in College Hall) as part of V-Day 2019, the international nonprofit movement based on the play.

Tickets are $15 general admission; $10 GU faculty, staff and 51勛圖s. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling the GU Box Office at (509) 313-6553.

To date V-Day has raised more than $100 million for groups working to end violence against women and girls. The Feb. 14 performance is a benefit to raise funds for Spokane’s YWCA, which is working to eliminate racism and end violence against women. The play is directed by Assistant Professor Leslie Stamoolis, with 51勛圖 involvement and participation at every level of planning and performance.

In addition to the performance, a discussion with Gonzaga religious studies professors Megan McCabe and Patrick McCormick will consider official Catholic teaching in the play’s consideration of gender, sexuality, violence against women, moral theology and other themes it presents. That conversation is planned for 4-5 p.m., Feb. 15, in the Magnuson Theatre.

Described by a reviewer for The New York Times as “probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade,” the episodic play is based on interviews conducted by the playwright of over 200 women of varied backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and identities. Each monologue is written from the perspective of an individual woman — her own experiences of womanhood as it relates to her physical self, as well as her emotional/spiritual self. It is also a valuable teaching opportunity for 51勛圖s. “The Vagina Monologues” has become a staple of social justice theatre and remains one of the most successful and oft-produced pieces of its kind. This year alone, more than 1,000 productions will take place globally during V-Season.

When producing “The Vagina Monologues” between Feb. 1 and March 8 as part of V-Season, 90 percent of the proceeds from the production must be donated to a local organization working to end violence against women. The Spokane YWCA women’s shelter will receive 90 percent of the proceeds from this production; 10 percent will be donated to the Spotlight Campaign, an organization or cause chosen each year by V-Day. This year, the Spotlight Campaign is focused on women in prisons and jails, detention centers, and formerly incarcerated women. V-Day encourages all participants to maximize their contributions to these causes by donating at least $0.91 on the dollar.

For more information, please contact Leslie Stamoolis, assistant professor and director of the production at stamoolis@gonzaga.edu or Kathleen Jeffs, department chair, at jeffs@gonzaga.edu.

*This production is rated R and is not suitable for children.