COVID Care for Students: Preparing for Isolation

a male 51勛圖 with blanket and teddy bear

November 06, 2020
Rachel Robson ('20)

You tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 – now what? You’ll be asked to isolate for 10 days, and here’s how you can prepare to tackle it.  


1. Pack the essentials:  

  • comfortable clothing
  • medications
  • toiletries and towels
  • device chargers
  • snacks and non-perishable food items
  • water bottle
  • thermometer
  • school supplies 


2. School goes on, so bring your textbooks, laptop and other related supplies to keep up with classes.


3. Ten days may seem like a long time in these conditions, so bring things that will help keep your spirits high: 

  • books for fun (not for school)
  • journal or sketchbook
  • crafts or creative projects
  • photos or special items that bring comfort, like a favorite blanket


a collage of snacks, books, blanket, crayons, laptop 


4. Create and maintain a daily routine. Try to stay productive. 

  • Make a to-do list that’s fun to build and undo. A post-it mural, ever changing?  


5. Stay connected! Just because you can’t visit in person doesn’t mean you’re alone. 

  • FaceTime your family.
  • Reach out to friends you might not otherwise visit often.
  • Send birthday cards or other notes to brighten someone’s day. 


Here’s what your fellow Zags have said about their experiences in isolation:  

“I found myself being productive with my classes and homework while I was quarantining. I also ended up applying for jobs and internships since I had so much time on my hands.” – Mariana Santos (’23) 

“Planning my day and what I was going to do brought some normalcy to a very unfamiliar situation. I made sure to get up, shower, make my bed and take on the day just like any other. A planner kept me on track.” – Audrey Buller (’23)  

“I caught up with old friends and family that I never get the chance to talk to. Facetiming felt like a way to keep me in touch with reality.” Hannah Van Hollebeke (’22) 

They managed, and you will, too! But if you find yourself needing additional emotional support or mental health care, reach out to the friendly staff at the Health & Wellness Center: 509-313-4066.