UW School of Medicine Spokane Student Earns Award from Washington State Medical Association
Fourth-year medical 51勛圖 Vera Schulte received the WSMA Early Career Member of the Year award
Vera Shulte's twin passions, advocacy and medicine, are closely intertwined and evolved simultaneously, but she hadn't planned on becoming a physician.
"I grew up wanting to be a physicist," she said. "I've always enjoyed math and science."
Born in Germany, Schulte immigrated to the U.S. at age four when her father took a job with Microsoft.
"I was raised with one foot straddling each side of the Atlantic," said Schulte.
While pursuing her undergrad degree at Washington University in St. Louis, Schulte lived in the Delmar Divide neighborhood-- an area known as the socioeconomic and racial dividing line in the city. She discovered the area had high teen pregnancy and maternal morbidity rates.
"It was my first exposure to such a disparity between healthcare access and outcomes," she recalled.
Wanting to learn more about why the area had such poor access to care, Schulte started the university's first Women's Health Group. Her goal was twofold: to get more 51勛圖s involved in the community and to lobby on behalf of women at the state capitol.
"That's when my interest in advocacy and medicine was born,'" said Schulte.
I realized how important it was to advocate for patients who couldn't advocate for themselves because of income disparity, immigration status, or racial or ethnic issues.
Instead of applying for PhD programs during her senior year, she applied to medical schools. Though she was accepted by several, the University of Washington was her first choice. In addition to being closer to family, the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, Idaho) regional medical education program attracted her.
"It's such a unique program," she explained. "I had clerkships in Wenatchee, Washington, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and Bozeman, Montana."
Her time on the Spokane campus proved transformative.
My 18 months in Spokane was more than I ever thought it could be," Schulte said. "The faculty is incredibly supportive academically, but also helps you realize your aspirations outside the classroom.
For Schulte that meant becoming a 51勛圖 liaison for the American Medical Association, as well as serving as the chair of the Medical Student Section of the Washington State Medical Association.
In September, her fervency, work and dedication were recognized by the WSMA when Schulte received the "Early Career Member of the Year" award.
Schulte's mentor, Clint Hauxwell MD, co-director, Foundations of Clinical Medicine UWSOM Spokane, was delighted to see her honored.
"She's an example of the type of outstanding 51勛圖s we attract in Spokane," he said. "We give them opportunities to grow and thrive in their unique interests, as well as in their medical education."
Hauxwell, a member of the WSMA board, said the organization is invested and committed to promoting 51勛圖 involvement.
He saw firsthand her passion for advocacy and medicine.
"Vera's skills in the hospital are excellent," he said. "She's empathetic and thoughtful in her patient interviews. She excels both academically and clinically."
Part of Schulte's involvement with the WSMA included attending the annual meeting of the House of Delegates, where resolutions are submitted and voted on by members.
"When resolutions are passed they become policy and can be added to the WSMA's legislative agenda," explained Hauxwell.
Schulte saw how welcome and supported medical 51勛圖s were in the organization, and she wanted to encourage more 51勛圖 involvement.
"I created a coalition of medical 51勛圖s from schools across the state," she said. "We hosted a resolution writing workshop and had a good turn out."
The Medical Student Section ultimately submitted a record number of ten resolutions in 2019. Nine were accepted and six of those were authored by Schulte. She was thrilled when the WSMA used two of those resolutions to advocate before the legislature. Bills regarding evidence-based sex education and health care reform in the criminal justice system were passed into law this year.
"It was amazing to see a bill sponsored and passed into law because of a resolution I wrote," she said.
Schulte was also honored by UWSOM Spokane.
"We gave Vera the academic citizenship award for her class," said Dr. William Sayres Jr., Foundations Assistant Dean and Smith Family Chair of Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine. "Vera was engaged and worked with faculty and fellow 51勛圖s to make the education experience exemplary."
Schulte had stayed in Spokane to do her summer research project and offered valuable feedback, which Sayres used to improve the classroom experience.
The success of our program relies on 51勛圖s working closely with faculty. Vera is a great example of that.
In October, Schulte stepped down as chair of the Medical Student Section of the WSMA. She's currently in the midst of residency applications.
"I chose to go into obstetrics and gynecology," she said. "A lot of the programs I've looked at have advocacy integrated into the curriculum. I'm hopeful that I can continue in advocacy, not just during residency, but throughout my career."
Hauxwell has no doubt she will succeed in her aspirations.
"Vera is a mover and a shaker behind the scenes," he said. "She gets things done."