Faculty Expertise Beyond the Classroom

February 16, 2022
Gonzaga Magazine

Pictured Above: top row (Mathew Geske, Rob McKinney, Emily Clark), bottom row (Gloria Chien, Eric Hogle, Cassandra Dame-Griff).

The scope of the faculty’s scholarship, from publications to research to presentations to public lectures and exhibits, is voluminous. Annual reports submitted by deans to the provost also note grants, professional service, interdisciplinary cooperation and teaching innovations. Sifting through the lengthy listings, here are just some examples of the variety and breadth of the work they produce when not teaching.

* = Published with colleagues from other institutions.


  • Don Hackney, Business: “Do Changes in Chapter 7 Asset Exemptions Fundamentally Alter Bankruptcy Outcomes? New Evidence from the State of Oregon”
  • Danielle Xu, Business: “Cashflow or Return Predictability at Long Horizons? The Case of Earnings Yield” and “Dissecting the Idiosyncratic Volatility Anomaly”


  • *Mirjeta Beqiri, Business, Karen Colorafi, Nursing: “Data for Good: Using Population Health Data to Teach Justice at a Jesuit College”
  • Gloria I-Ling Chien, Religious Studies: “Complementary Teaching Practices: Ignatian Pedagogy and Buddhist- inspired Compassion Meditation”
  • Heather Crandall, Communication Studies: “Communicating the Pandemic: What’s so Jesuit 51³Ô¹Ï It?”
  • Carol Kottwitz and Joan Owens, Nursing: “A Social Justice Assignment Integrating University Mission and National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’ Competencies”
  • D.Q. Tran, Organizational Leadership/Religious Studies: “Attention, Reverence and Devotion: An Ignatian Method for Fostering Mindfulness at Work”


  • Paul Buller and Bud Barnes, Business: “Student Managed Investment Funds: An Exploratory Study of a Model that Works”
  • *Annemarie Caño, College of Arts and Sciences: “Who Are We Missing? Examining the GRE Quantitative Score as a Barrier to Admission into Psychology Doctoral Programs for Capable Ethnic Minorities”
  • Adriane Leithauser and Brian Steverson, Business: “Teaching Normatively”
  • Amy Pistone, Classical Civilizations: “Greek Mythology for Children and Classical Reception for Young Readers”


  • *Vincent Alfonso, Education (editor): “Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children”
  • Anny Case, Education: “Complex and Connected Lives: Voices of ‘English Language Learners’ in Middle School”
  • James Hunter, Education: “H5P and Weebly: The Best Thing Since Peanut Butter and Jelly”
  • *Robert McKinney, Education: “Promoting Identity Wellness in LGBTGEQIAP+ Adolescents through Affirmative Therapy”
  • Suzanne Ostersmith, Dance, and Brook Swanson, Biology: “Moving Toward Engagement: Teaching Collaborative Dance and Science Classes to First-Year College Students”
  • *James Smith, Education: “Defining the Role of the Director of Basketball Operation An Investigation of Role Ambiguity within Intercollegiate Athletic Departments”


  • Cassandra Dame-Griff, Critical Race & Ethnic Studies: “What Do We Mean When We Say Latinx?: Definitional Power, the Limits of Inclusivity and the (Un)Constitution of an Identity Category”
  • Tracey Hayes, Communication and Leadership Studies: “Social Network Analysis: Big Data Challenges”
  • Paul Romanowich, Psychology: “Exploiting Human, Physical and Driving Behaviors to Detect Vehicle Cyber Attacks”
  • Brian Siebeking, Religious Studies: “Tomb Raiders: ISIS’s War Against Muslim Shrines”


  • *Vivek Patil, Business: “Alphabetical Ordering of Author Surnames in Academic Publishing: A Detriment to Teamwork”
  • Katey Roden, English: “When It Is Wise to Play the Fool: A Lesson in Servant Leadership, Courtesy of King Lear”
  • Jeff Ramirez and Carol Kottwitz, Nursing: “Let’s Think 51³Ô¹Ï the Way We Think – Developing Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Students’ Clinical Reasoning Skills”
  • *D.Q. Tran and Shann Ray Ferch, Organizational Leadership, Larry Spears, Servant-Leader Scholar, (eds.): “Servant-Leadership and Forgiveness: How Leaders Help Heal the Heart of the World”


  • Mary Pat Treuthart, Law: “ ‘Marriage Story’: A Tale of Divorce, Love ... and the Law”
  • *Drew Simshaw, Law: “The Future Has Arrived: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Legal Writing and Research”
  • Brooks Holland, Law: “Confronting the Bias Dichotomy in Jury Selection”


  • Matt McCormick, Art: “The Deepest Hole,” Best Short Film, Reel Shorts Film Festival, and Best Short Documentary, Chicago Underground Film Festival
  • David Gracon, Integrated Media: “Homecoming” in “Flash Flaherty: Tales from a Film Seminar”
  • Kevin Hekmatpanah, Music, and Suzanne Ostersmith, Dance: “Pay the Price” (addressing equity and inclusion)
  • Rebecca Stephanis, Modern Languages and Literature: “The Burden of Violence in Ciro Guerra’s La sombra del caminante (Wandering Shadows, 2004)”
  • Shuying Li, Music: “Bloodlines Paraphrase,” music from Copland House/clarinet, violin, cello, piano


  • *Kirk Anders, Biology: “Understanding Gene Prediction Programs”
  • *Erik Aver, Physics: “Improving Helium Abundance Determinations with Leo P as a Case Study”
  • Richard Cangelosi, Mathematics, and Massimo Capobianchi, Mechanical Engineering: “Heat Transfer in Fully Developed, Laminar Flows of Dissipative Pseudoplastic and Dilatant Fluids in Circular Conduits”
  • Matthew Cremeens, Gemma D’Ambruoso, Masaomi Matsumoto and Stephen Warren, Chemistry and Biochemistry: “Structural Effects of Halogen Bonding in Iodochalcones”
  • *Patrick Crosswhite, Human Physiology: “Physiology Core Concepts in the Classroom”
  • Eric Hogle, Mathematics: “RO(Z/2)-graded Cohomology of Equivariant Grassmannians”
  • *Hugh Lefcort and Christy Andrade, Biology: “Behavioral Characteristics and Endosymbionts of Two Potential Tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick Vectors”
  • Joshua Schultz and Mark Muszynski, Civil Engineering: “Small-Scale Testing for Feasibility of Rubblized Concrete Foundations”
  • *Jennifer Shepherd, Chemistry and Biochemistry: “Rhodoquinone in Bacteria and Animals: Two Distinct Pathways for Biosynthesis of This Key Electron Transporter Used in Anaerobic Bioenergetics”
  • Gina Sprint, Computer Science: “Behavioral Differences Between Subject Groups Identified Using Smart Homes and Change Point Detection”
  • John Tadrous, Electrical and Computer Engineering: “Delay Gain Analysis of Wireless Multicasting for Content Distribution


  • *Karen Colorafi, Nursing: “Perspectives of Adults who Frequently Seek Emergency Department Care”
  • *Denise Ogorek, Nursing: “Exploration of a Biblical Counseling Program for Depression”
  • *Scot Pettey and Kenn Daratha, Nurse Anesthesia: “Evidence-Based Project: Cost Savings and Reduction in Environmental Release with Low-flow Anesthesia”
  • Trena Redman, Nursing: “Intravenous therapy”
  • Brenda Senger and Deborah Smith, Nursing: “Augmenting a Focused Bedside History for Pre-licensure Nursing Students”
  • *Bradley Wilkins, Human Physiology: “The Balance of Muscle Oxygen Supply and Demand Reveals Critical Metabolic Rate and Predicts Time to Exhaustion”


  • Daniel Bradley, Philosophy: “The Temple of Athena and the Return of the Salmon: Orientations toward Nature and Meaning in Salish/Wakashan/Penutian Culture and Heideggerian Philosophy”
  • Carla Bonilla, Biology: “Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental and Health Justice.”
  • *Matthew Geske, Physics: “SNEWS 2.0: A Next- Generation SuperNova Early Warning System for Multi- messenger Astronomy”
  • Brian Henning, Philosophy and Environmental Studies: “Green Development and the Land Ethic” in “Green Development and Global Governance”
  • Jonathan Isacoff, Environmental Studies: “The Western Flycatcher Problem in Eastern Washington”
  • *Nancy Staub, Biology: “A New Perspective on Female-to- Male Communication in Salamander Courtship”


  • Shannen Cravens, Allan Scruggs, Kathleen Leamy and Sarah Siegel, Chemistry and Biochemistry: “Adapting a Biochemistry Lab Course for Distance-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic”
  • Neva Crogan, Nursing: “What Happened to Person- centered Care? Observations During the COVID Pandemic”
  • Jamella Gow, Sociology and Criminology: “The Economy vs. The People: Capitalism & Essential Labor in the Pandemic”
  • Maria Howard, Philosophy: “Dying Well in Nursing Homes During Covid-19 and Beyond: The Need for a Relational and Familial Ethic”
  • *Noralis Rodriguez-Coss, Women’s and Gender Studies: “Healing through Ancestral Knowledge and Letters to Our Children: Mothering Infants during a Global Pandemic”


  • Angela Bruns, Sociology/Criminology: “Partner Incarceration and Financial Support from Kin”
  • Emily Clark, Religious Studies: “The Sisters of Our Lady of the Snows: An Indigenous, Alaskan Sisterhood”
  • Robert Donnelly, History: “A New View of the Teamster Boss Dave Beck”
  • Richard Goodrich, History: “The Teachings of the Desert Fathers”
  • *Sou Lee, Sociology/Criminology: “I Still Love My Hood: Passive and Strategic Aspects of Role Residual Among Former Gang Members”
  • Ellen Maccarone, Philosophy: “Listen Up! The Case for an Ethical Practice of Listening”
  • Ann Ostendorf, History: “To Get Himself Out of Slavery: Escape, Justice, and Honor in the Life of a Colonial French Louisiana Bohemian (Gypsy)”
  • Veta Schlimgen, History: “The Invention of ‘Noncitizen American Nationality’ and the Meanings of Colonial Subjecthood in the United States”
  • Tyler Tritten, Philosophy: “Werner Herzog on Circles, Chickens and Impotency”
  • *Lee Wurm, Psychology: “Sex differences in emoji use, familiarity, and valence”

If all of this has left you dizzy, perhaps a toast is in order to this presentation by Jessica Kiser, associate professor of law and director of the Gonzaga University Wine Institute, at a colloquium co-hosted by three law schools: “The Reasonably Prudent Consumer of Alcohol.”

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