Community Engagement Institute: Sharing Experience and Inspiration
One of the most compelling aspects of living and working in Spokane is our willingness to learn from each other and to share what we know. That’s the philosophy behind Partners in Campus and Community Engagement [PICCE]. Community engagement professionals from area institutions participate on an ongoing basis, and every couple of years they gather for the Inland Northwest Community Engagement Institute, a two-day conference exploring the newest approaches, programs, and best practices.
This year, Gonzaga hosted the gathering in an in-person format that allowed ample time for professionals from Spokane and Spokane Falls Community Colleges, Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, Central Washington University, Washington State University and Whitworth University to meet and learn from each other.
They were joined by regional community leaders, non-profit organizations, and others for discussions about community-engaged learning, promising practices, and how campus/community partnerships can better respond to complex challenges facing our communities.
The Institute welcomed Dr. Star Plaxton-Moore from the University of San Francisco, who offered the keynote address on the value of focusing on the place where we reside. Drawing inspiration from the geography of our region and emphasizing the responsibility that institutions of higher education bear for the communities in which they live, Dr. Plaxton-Moore introduced participants to new ways of envisioning their work.
Sessions highlighted several current and growing partnerships with local non-profits, the scholarship and research work of faculty, and a poster session of 51³Ô¹Ï work. Three local walking tours were presented as well - to Gonzaga’s Campus Kitchen gardens, to the Gonzaga Family Haven, and a history tour of Spokane’s Riverfront Park. Two faculty groups were also recognized for their excellence in community-based teaching and learning as well as for excellence in community-based research.
The Community Engagement Institute is made possible through the support of the Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good.