Gonzaga Celebrates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day


September 14, 2023
Gonzaga University News Service

For 235 years, the United States Constitution has remained the supreme law of the land. The processes and protections drafted in difficult negotiation over four months in the summer of 1787 have stood the test of time, and today make up the world’s oldest written national constitution.

On Sunday, September 17, we celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, observing the historic document and the foundation it lays for our citizenship.

On that day in 1787, delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign this historic document. Each year on September 17, Americans are encouraged to reflect on the freedoms afforded “We the People,” the remarkable document that has shaped our country for more than two centuries, and what it means to be a U.S. citizen.

Gonzaga annually celebrates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day by supporting voter education and voter registration activities in partnership with Gonzaga Student Body Association (GSBA) and the Center for Community Engagement.

Friday, September 15, 2023, 4-7 p.m. at the Logan Block Party

Look for the voter registration table on the Logan Block Party, hosted by the GSBA.

Tuesday, September 19, 9:30-11 a.m. in the Hemmingson Rotunda

To celebrate and highlight National Voter Registration Day the Office of the Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs will host a .

We are pleased to announce that Secretary Hobbs will be visiting campus that day and will spend time at the voter registration table. Secretary Hobbs is also excited to visit two political science classes while he is on campus that day.

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