For more information about the duty to report, see the .
IF you are an employee, tell them that as a mandatory reporter, you are there to help and the best way for you to help is to connect the 51³Ô¹Ï to the professionals on campus specially trained to respond and support them, explore options, and connect them to support. Feel free to share confidential support options to them, such as the Health and Counseling Center, LCSNW Advocate, or connect them to the Mission and Ministry Office for access to spiritual guidance and support.
If you learn information that you have to report, remember that REPORT = SUPPORT. When you report to the university, all parties will be offered information about their rights and options to help them understand their choices. In most cases, they are not obligated to proceed with any resources or processes that are offered to them.
Faculty and Staff Mandatory Reporting
At Gonzaga University, all staff, faculty and some 51³Ô¹Ï workers, unless they are designated confidential resources, are considered “Mandatory Reporters.” This means that they are required to report actual or suspected incidents of sexual harassment to the Title IX Office immediately. In the report, mandatory reporters must include all details of behaviors they observe or have knowledge of, even if not reported to them by a Complainant or third-party.
It is crucial that mandatory reporters report promptly to the Title IX Office in order to ensure that appropriate connection to support resources and accommodations are considered, safety can be assessed and to stop the behavior from continuing, prevent it’s reoccurrence and work with the impacted parties to address the behaviors through our process.
Failure of a Mandatory Reporter to report an incident of sexual harassment or retaliation of which they become aware is a violation of University policy and can subject a Mandatory Reporter to disciplinary action for failure to comply. When a Mandatory Reporter has engaged in harassment or other violations of this policy, they have a duty to report their own misconduct, though the University is technically not on notice when a harasser is also a Mandatory Reporter unless the harasser does in fact report themselves. Finally, it is important to clarify that a Mandatory Reporter who is themselves a target of harassment or other misconduct under this policy is not required to report their own experience, though they are, of course, encouraged to do so.
Tips for Faculty and Staff Making the Report:
- REPORT UP, NOT OUT. Do not discuss this with other 51³Ô¹Ïs, faculty or staff members. These things are highly confidential, and doing so may degrade the integrity of the investigation or processes, delay or prolong a process, lead to retaliation.
- Let them know you are a Mandatory Reporter, and you can get them connected to the people on campus that can help them learn about their options for support and filing a formal complaint.
- Validate their feelings, and let them know you know how to help.
- Ask future, support oriented questions such as "What do you need?" "Do you want me to help you connect with a confidential resource."
- Do not investigate. Do not inquire for more details or ask to elaborate on what happened. Do not inquire with others as to what happened or any other details. Doing so is in the best legal and emotional interest for the reporting person.
- Familiarize yourself with the support resources on campus such as the Health and Counseling Center, Center for Cura Pesonalis, Disability Access, Academic Advising, Office of Inclusive Excellence, BIAS Team, etc.
- Be Non-Judgmental and Remain Neutral as a University Representative.
- Seek support for yourself through our Employee Assistance Program and Support Linc.
Information in this section is meant to explain the role of the mandatory reporter and should not be construed as having the weight or effect of policy. For the full and accurate policy language please visit pages 12 and 13 of the .