Associate Provost for Global Engagement & SIO

Christina Isabelli, Associate Provost for Global Engagement (PhD, SIO)

Christina Isabelli, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Global Engagement

Christina Isabelli, PhD, serves as the Associate Provost for Global Engagement and Gonzaga's Senior International Officer (). In this role, she leads internationalization at Gonzaga, providing leadership for the university’s globalization strategies, and leadership and administration for the Center for Global Engagement personnel and programs, the International Student & Scholar Services, Study Abroad, and the ESL program. She works closely with the Dean of Gonzaga in Florence, Gonzaga’s academic deans, associate and vice provosts, and Gonzaga Global. The Associate Provost for Global Engagement facilitates and oversees the work of the International Education Council and the International Leadership Committee. The Associate Provost for Global Engagement leads the university’s effort to cultivate, develop, deliver, and assess global education as a fundamental institutional goal as part of Gonzaga’s Jesuit, Catholic, and humanistic identity.

Dr. Isabelli began at Gonzaga University in 2017, as Professor and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literature (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) specializing in Applied Linguistics. She is the author of two books, Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context (Edwin Mellen) and Researching Second Language Acquisition in the Study Abroad Learning Environment (Palgrave), and has published a variety of articles on second language acquisition in the study abroad and domestic immersions contexts, identifying processes of forming social networks abroad and how they function as contexts for language learning. Christina served the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages/Modern Language Association (ADFL/MLA) as a that carries out site visits to liberal arts institutions to provide counsel on a variety of issues such as curriculum design, faculty governance, and strategic planning. This work dovetails with her experience as a for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages/Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP/ACTFL) in which she evaluated university program reports submitted yearly by U.S. institutions seeking CAEP recognition of their world language teacher certification programs. She was appointed to the - World Language Advocacy Committee which provides feedback and identifies emerging initiatives in world language learning statewide.

Spring 2023
Spring 2025 Year in Review - forthcoming



If you have questions or concerns about matters related to academic abilities and 51³Ô¹Ï success issues related to international and study abroad 51³Ô¹Ïs please reach out to Dr. Christina Isabelli.

Mailing address: Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone Ave, AD 41, Spokane WA, USA 99258