Natural Sciences Research & Inquiry Home Academics Research & Creative Activities Natural Sciences Reaching for the Stars HEALing Journey: A new College Minor Examines Health Disparities Professors and Students Receive EPA Grant for Water-Purification Project Faculty Expertise Beyond the Classroom Murdock Grants Fuel Student Research Introducing the John and Joan Bollier Family Center for ... June 24, 2021 Gonzaga introduces the John and Joan Bollier Family Center for Integrated Science and Engineering — recognizing the family’s commitment to helping all... Professor Orcutt Helps Identify Giant Saber-Tooth Cat June 10, 2021 John Orcutt, Ph.D., Gonzaga University assistant professor of biology, has been hounded by media worldwide recently, but he’s not complaining one bit.... Entrepreneurship, Innovation Advance January 22, 2021 After more than two decades developing leaders through the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Gonzaga doubles down on preparing innovators in... Professor Shepherd's Research Explores How Parasites Switch to ... October 15, 2020 Scientists estimate that 1 billion people worldwide are infected with parasitic helminths, round worms that live in soil and colonize human guts... Academy of Nursing Education Names Associate Dean Jane Tiedt a Fellow September 15, 2020 Jane Tiedt, Ph.D., registered nurse, and associate dean of Graduate Programs in Gonzaga's School of Nursing and Human Physiology, to be inducted into... Professor Raven Maragh-Lloyd Part of Grant Studying ... August 07, 2020 Raven Maragh-Lloyd, Ph.D., assistant professor of communication studies at Gonzaga University, is part of a unique research project examining how and... Zag Grad Aims to Help in COVID-19 Battle July 06, 2020 A fourth-year 51³Ô¹Ï at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Xun has taken this year off to co-found a biotech startup that is using 3D printing... Stories of Pedagogy in the Pandemic April 22, 2020 As Gonzaga undergraduates approach final exams during this unprecedented time of dislocation and disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic,... Gonzaga Acquires Atomic Force Microscope, Thanks to NSF Grant March 23, 2020 A tool for transformational collaborative nanoscience research. Women in STEM: Challenges & Successes February 12, 2020 In a panel hosted by the School of Engineering & Applied Science, STEM professors Betsy Bancroft, Allison Lambert, Lex Gidley and Kate Kearney... Continuing the Vision for Better Health February 04, 2020 Through a donation of laboratory equipment to GU's chemistry and biochemistry department, Providence Medical Research Center's Katherine Tuttle hopes... Professor Bertagnolli Co-Directs $1 Million NSF Grant Supporting ... October 29, 2019 Mia Bertagnolli, Ph.D., has been named co-director for a five-year, $999,899 National Science Foundation grant supporting the advancement of... Professor Henning to Discuss ‘Ethics in a Time of Climate Change’ ... September 16, 2019 The Greater Gonzaga Guild lecture series welcomes Henning at 11:30 a.m., Sept. 24 in the McCarthey Athletic Center Herak Club Room; reservations... Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Way of the Future August 12, 2019 Gonzaga 51³Ô¹Ïs and faculty find new solutions through interdisciplinary collaboration. Gonzaga Students Conduct Medical Research at UW School of Medicine August 02, 2019 Five Gonzaga 51³Ô¹Ïs are participating in some of the nation’s top biomedical research, working alongside noted experts to address health issues that... In the News: Gonzaga Researcher Examines Mental Illness in ... July 11, 2019 Researchers at Gonzaga University and Widener University have recently published an article entitled, "Challenges of Treating Mental Health Issues in...
Introducing the John and Joan Bollier Family Center for ... June 24, 2021 Gonzaga introduces the John and Joan Bollier Family Center for Integrated Science and Engineering — recognizing the family’s commitment to helping all... Professor Orcutt Helps Identify Giant Saber-Tooth Cat June 10, 2021 John Orcutt, Ph.D., Gonzaga University assistant professor of biology, has been hounded by media worldwide recently, but he’s not complaining one bit.... Entrepreneurship, Innovation Advance January 22, 2021 After more than two decades developing leaders through the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, Gonzaga doubles down on preparing innovators in... Professor Shepherd's Research Explores How Parasites Switch to ... October 15, 2020 Scientists estimate that 1 billion people worldwide are infected with parasitic helminths, round worms that live in soil and colonize human guts... Academy of Nursing Education Names Associate Dean Jane Tiedt a Fellow September 15, 2020 Jane Tiedt, Ph.D., registered nurse, and associate dean of Graduate Programs in Gonzaga's School of Nursing and Human Physiology, to be inducted into... Professor Raven Maragh-Lloyd Part of Grant Studying ... August 07, 2020 Raven Maragh-Lloyd, Ph.D., assistant professor of communication studies at Gonzaga University, is part of a unique research project examining how and... Zag Grad Aims to Help in COVID-19 Battle July 06, 2020 A fourth-year 51³Ô¹Ï at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Xun has taken this year off to co-found a biotech startup that is using 3D printing... Stories of Pedagogy in the Pandemic April 22, 2020 As Gonzaga undergraduates approach final exams during this unprecedented time of dislocation and disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic,... Gonzaga Acquires Atomic Force Microscope, Thanks to NSF Grant March 23, 2020 A tool for transformational collaborative nanoscience research. Women in STEM: Challenges & Successes February 12, 2020 In a panel hosted by the School of Engineering & Applied Science, STEM professors Betsy Bancroft, Allison Lambert, Lex Gidley and Kate Kearney... Continuing the Vision for Better Health February 04, 2020 Through a donation of laboratory equipment to GU's chemistry and biochemistry department, Providence Medical Research Center's Katherine Tuttle hopes... Professor Bertagnolli Co-Directs $1 Million NSF Grant Supporting ... October 29, 2019 Mia Bertagnolli, Ph.D., has been named co-director for a five-year, $999,899 National Science Foundation grant supporting the advancement of... Professor Henning to Discuss ‘Ethics in a Time of Climate Change’ ... September 16, 2019 The Greater Gonzaga Guild lecture series welcomes Henning at 11:30 a.m., Sept. 24 in the McCarthey Athletic Center Herak Club Room; reservations... Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Way of the Future August 12, 2019 Gonzaga 51³Ô¹Ïs and faculty find new solutions through interdisciplinary collaboration. Gonzaga Students Conduct Medical Research at UW School of Medicine August 02, 2019 Five Gonzaga 51³Ô¹Ïs are participating in some of the nation’s top biomedical research, working alongside noted experts to address health issues that... In the News: Gonzaga Researcher Examines Mental Illness in ... July 11, 2019 Researchers at Gonzaga University and Widener University have recently published an article entitled, "Challenges of Treating Mental Health Issues in...