Seattle-Tacoma Chapter Golf Tournament
Sept. 7– Join Zag alumni and friends for the annual Seattle and Tacoma Chapter Golf Tournament with all net proceeds benefiting the regional Seattle Scholarship Fund.
Sept. 7– Join Zag alumni and friends for the annual Seattle and Tacoma Chapter Golf Tournament with all net proceeds benefiting the regional Seattle Scholarship Fund.
Sept. 15 – Join Zag alumni and friends for the annual Portland Chapter golf tournament with all net proceeds benefiting the Regional Portland Scholarship Fund.
Oct. 4 – Join Zag alumni and friends for the inaugural Boise Chapter Golf Tournament with all net proceeds benefiting the regional Boise Scholarship Fund.
Scramble format involves 2-person teams where each player on the team hits a tee shot, and then the players decide which shot they like better. The two players then play from that spot. The person whose shot was not taken picks up their ball and moves it to within one club length of the selected spot.
The winning score will go up against the other Chapters’ tournament for the coveted trophy!
*The Boise Chapter Golf Tournament was introduced in 2023.
2023 Seattle-Tacoma
2022 Seattle-Tacoma
2021 Portland