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Course Catalog

Engineering Management

Master of Engineering Management

Director: G. Weber

Lecturer:  B. Colburn

Gonzaga University's School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) offers a fully online Master of Engineering Management (MEM) degree for professionals involved in managing engineering technologies. The three-fold goals of the program are to:  1) Provide skills necessary to manage continually evolving technologies, 2) Develop a foundation for making strategic engineering decisions, and 3) Provide skills required to advance in project/product/process management positions. Courses are offered online over an eight-week period. Students may register and take courses asynchronously from anywhere in the world. (Visit our website at


  1. Students applying to Gonzaga University must submit Gonzaga’s Graduate Application, which can be accessed online at 
  2. Along with the application for graduate study, each program at Gonzaga has distinct admission requirements. Please refer to the table below to view that detailed information.

Program Name

How To Apply Link

Master’s in  Engineering Management /school-of-engineering-applied-science/graduate/mem/apply

Required Qualifications:

Applicants should have a Bachelor of Science degree in a STEM field, such as:

  • Engineering field, i.e. Biomedical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.
  • Mathematics
  • Chemistry, Biology, or Biochemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Physics

Program prerequisites are:

  • Calculus I, II & III
  • Ordinary differential equations
  • One lab science in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, or Physics

Prerequisite course credits are not counted toward the graduate degree program credits. They must be taken in addition to the 30 credits required for the MEM degree.

Any applicants with a non-STEM degree should discuss prerequisite courses with the Admissions Specialist.

Degree Requirements:

To complete the MEM degree program, thirty credit hours of courses are required beyond the pre-requisite courses. Students are expected to maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Degree requirements consist of 12 credit hours of core courses and 18 hours of graduate-level electives. Upon approval by the program director, one 400-level undergraduate engineering course may be accepted as a technical elective if it does not replicate a course in the candidate’s undergraduate degree.

Minimum of Thirty (30) credits that must include:

  • 12 credits of core Engineering Management (ENGM) courses
  • 9 credits of Engineering Management elective courses
  • 6 credits of Master of Business Administration (MBUS) courses
  • 3 credits of Leadership courses

Core Courses:

ENGM 510 Engineering Portfolio Mgmt

3 credits

ENGM 520 Statistical Quality Control

3 credits

ENGM 530 Strategic Engineering Decisions

3 credits

ENGM 601 Master’s Project Study

3 credits

Engineering Management Elective Courses:

ENGM 525 Quality Systems

3 credits

ENGM 540 Global Engineering Management

3 credits

ENGM 550 Systems Engineering Management

3 credits

ENGM 580 Special Topic Engineering Mgmt

3 credits

Master of Business Administration Courses (6 credits*):

MBUS 612 Managing People and Performance

2 credits

MBUS 613 Quantitative & Stats Analysis

3 credits

MBUS 625 Operations Theory & Practice

2 credits

MBUS 673 Global Project Management

1 credit

MBUS 674 Agile Project Management

1 credit

MBUS 675 Quality Management

1 credit

  *   If the equivalent of Gonzaga ENGM 405 Engineering Project Management has not been taken, MBUS 670 Foundations of Project Management must be selected for three of the MBA course credits.

Leadership Courses (3 credits):

ORGL 504 Organizational Communication

3 credits

ORGL 515 Leadership and the Human Potential

3 credits

ORGL 570 Itroduction to Global Systems

3 credits

TADP 556 Engineering Leadership

3 credits


ENGM 505 Foundations of Project Mgmt
3.00 credits
Modern organizations rely heavily on project management to ensure that they realize their organizational strategies and objectives. In recent years, project management has increased in visibility and importance, both as a profession and as an organizational priority. Organizations are demanding professionals who can deliver on the promise of project management. This course will introduce the fundamentals of effective traditional and agile project management, present industry standards and best practices, while providing guidance on becoming project management professionals.
MBUS 670 - OK if taken since Spring 2025
ENGM 510 Engineering Portfolio Mgmt
3.00 credits
Assessment and management of engineering development portfolios using the Stage-Gate approach, technology readiness levels and manufacturing readiness levels.
ENGM 520 Statistical Quality Control
3.00 credits
Statistical process control including Shewhart charts, univariate control, multi-variate control and designed experiments.
ENGM 525 Quality Systems
3.00 credits
Exploration of the philosophies and methodologies employed in quality science: Principles of quality, Tools and techniques for quality, Performance excellence standards. International standards and specific applications in aerospace (AS9100) and biomedical (cGMP) industries.
ENGM 530 Strategic Engineering Decision
3.00 credits
Competitive assessment, strategic road mapping, risk management, collaboration strategies, intellectual property, patents/trade secrets
ENGM 540 Global Engineering Management
3.00 credits
Export/import issues for technology, designing for global markets, global technology drivers, product lifecycle management, working effectively in virtual teams
ENGM 550 Systems Engineering Design
3.00 credits
Overview of the key engineering activities to design, manufacture, and sustain products. Traditional approach to managing engineering technologies plus disruptions caused by highly interconnected, digital data and technologies collectively known as Industry 4.0.
ENGM 580 Special Topics
.00- 4.00 credits
Course topics address themes relevant to managing engineering technology. This course may be repeated with a change in subject matter for a maximum of 3 credits.
ENGM 601 Master's Project
1.00- 3.00 credits
Application of engineering management principles to a business or non-profit organization, including background literature review, characterization of existing situation, recommendations for improvement of organizational efficiency.
ENGM 510 Minimum Grade: C and ENGM 520 Minimum Grade: C and ENGM 530 Minimum Grade: C