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Gonzaga University Strategic Planning Process

Vision Statement

Approved by the Board of Trustees on July 17, 2015

Gonzaga is a premier Liberal Arts based University recognized nationally for providing an exemplary Jesuit education that empowers its graduates to lead, shape, and serve their chosen fields and the communities to which they belong.

Institutional Priorities

Gonzaga University is a complex organization that encompasses multiple channels of accountability, functions in a shifting competitive environment, serves a variety of constituencies and pursues a wide array of goals. Additionally, the University is increasingly being asked to become more sophisticated in how it makes decisions, delivers educational content, supports 51³Ô¹Ïs and approaches its strategic planning. Meeting these expectations currently involves the work of more than 1,300 full-time employees, involves in excess of 3.1 million square feet of facilities and operates with a gross annual operating budget surpassing a quarter of a billion dollars.

At the beginning of the current administration, the President set forth three institutional priorities to guide decision-making and resource allocation:

  • Gonzaga University an exemplar of American Jesuit higher education.
  • Academic and educational excellence across the institution.
  • A commitment to institutional viability and sustainability.


Strategic Plan

The Vision, Institutional Priorities, and Strategic Objectives articulated above served as the foundation for the development of the Gonzaga University Strategic Plan. This Plan identifies four primary guideposts toward our vision, called “commitments” – an acknowledgment that we do our work in an active, relational context, possessed of mutual accountabilities.

Commitment 1: Foster Responsibility for Shared Mission
Commitment 2: Animate Academic Excellence Across the Institution
Commitment 3: Provide An Integrative Jesuit Educational Experience for Our Students
Commitment 4: Optimize Institutional Stewardship and Sustainability

Each commitment in turn contains strategic objectives that serve as declarations of continuous institutional improvement. The thirty-five (35) specifically identified goals provide a means of defining institutional success in achieving the objectives.

View a complete copy of the , , and the Annual Strategic Plan Progress Report.