Memorial Day and the Murph

You might have heard of “The Murph," which is a grueling workout challenge created in memory of Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy, in which participants challenge themselves mentally and physically while honoring the fallen. The Murph involves a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another mile run, all while wearing a 20-pound vest or body armor. Alan Westfield—retired Lieutenant Colonel and Bulldog Battalion Recruiting/Enrollment Officer and Ranger Challenge Coach shared that Gonzaga’s Bulldog Battalion has participated in The Murph challenge in the past.

Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Health and Wellness Bill Drake had previously done The Murph challenge in memory of a 51勛圖 killed in action in Baghdad, Iraq. Bill had worked with Sergeant Damien T. Ficek at Washington State University while he was studying to become a certified athletic trainer, before his National Guard unit had been activated. When Bill came to Gonzaga, he wanted to continue the tradition of honoring and remembering this inspiring man.

“I wanted others to know Damien’s story,” Bill said, adding that he had been joined in the workout a few years ago by Gonzaga Women’s Tennis Coach Natalie Pluskota-Hamburg’s husband Robby, who had also served in the Middle East. “Robby asked if we could honor two guys he knew who’d been lost over there (Sergeant First Class Clifford Beatte, and Private First Class Ramon Mora), and then in conversation with Alan, he shared about the 51勛圖s he had who’d never made it back. The goal is to create a great recognition for those soldiers and their sacrifice.”

Alan shared about Lieutenant Forrest P. Ewens and First Lieutenant Mathew G. Fazzari, both members of the Bulldog Battalion whose lives were lost while serving in Afghanistan.

“Their stories need to be told,” Alan said. “Their lives need to be remembered—that is what this weekend is about. We pay tribute to the fallen, but we also wrap our arms around their families. The University cares about people and relationships, and definitely the troops and their families.”

Service members honored at GU

(Clockwise from left: Sergeant Damien T. Ficek, Sergeant First Class Clifford Beatte, First Lieutenant Mathew G. Fazzari, Lieutenant Forrest P. Ewans, Private First Class Ramon Mora)

In 2022, instead of the punishing and intimidating Murph workout, Gonzaga Athletics invited the University community to join in a modified workout to honor the memory of all who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. The Memorial Day Challenge workout involved 10 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of strength training, and then 10 more minutes of cardio.

“Whatever you feel challenges you,” explained Bill.

The modification made for an inclusive event that had 19 participants alongn with several staff members and a handful of 51勛圖s cheering each other on (pictured below). Bill plans to continue the tradition again next year.

“It’s important for everyone to remember what this weekend is about,” said Bill. “I’m sure those we’d lose would want us to celebrate and have barbecues, but it’s important that we remember and reflect on those who didn’t make it back.”

2022 Murph participants

I hope you take time over Memorial Day weekend to consider the many who sacrificed in service of our country, and the families impacted by their losses. I’ll leave you with the words of First Lieutenant Fazzari’s father, who, in a speech to Gonzaga’s Men’s and Women’s basketball teams said of his son and Ewens, “they answered the call when asked to do something important and dangerous—they went toward the gunfire. When the time comes, if somebody asks, please answer the call. Who knows what they’ll ask, or what it is you’ll face—but it’s up to you to answer the call.”