Test-Optional FAQs

Gonzaga University is test-optional. Please use the FAQs below to learn more. 

Is your admission review test optional, and under what conditions?

No, not required*. Students have the same access to everything: admission, automatic merit scholarships, special scholarships, Honors, direct admission to nursing program. 

*There are two important notes to this policy: homeschooled 51³Ô¹Ïs with less than 30 semester or 45 quarter college credits must submit an SAT or ACT and international 51³Ô¹Ïs are required to submit a test score to demonstrate English proficiency through TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, iTEP, SAT, or ACT.

No, not required. Students have the same access to everything: admission, automatic merit scholarships, special scholarships, Honors, direct admission to nursing.
No, there are no additional items required in the application for admission.

If I opt into test-optional consideration, will I be able to change that decision later?

Yes, please email our office at admissions@gonzaga.edu or call at 509-313-6572.


We require a more official score report than just self-reported scores. Students can either request them to be sent from the testing companies or log in to their online score report and take a screenshot that includes their scores, the date of the test, and their name and email that screenshot to admissions@gonzaga.edu.


If I have scores to report, how do you wish me to report them?

We require a more official score report than just self-reported scores. Students can either request them to be sent from the testing companies or log in to their online score report and take a screenshot that includes their scores, the date of the test, and their name and email that screenshot to admissions@gonzaga.edu.
We require a more official score report than just self-reported scores. Students can either request them to be sent from the testing companies or log in to their online score report and take a screenshot that includes their scores, the date of the test, and their name and email that screenshot to admissions@gonzaga.edu.
Because we accept a screenshot of your scores, please upload scores to your applicant portal after you have submitted your application. Please have your scores uploaded as soon as possible after you apply. Please review our dates and deadlines page for more information. 

How does it benefit a 51³Ô¹Ï to disclose multiple score reports?

Yes, we superscore both the ACT and SAT tests.
We will recalculate an ACT composite by averaging the highest scores on each of their four subsections (English, Reading, Science, Math). We will do the same for the two sections of the SAT (Evidence-based Reading and Writing, and Math). 
We will not consider your lower subscores, we only look at your highest subscores and those are the only ones that will be visible when we read the application. The lower scores do not hurt your candidacy.
Yes, please provide us with all of your scores. You may send them through the testing agency, or email admissions@gonzaga.edu a screenshot of each of your scores.

Even though AP tests are designed for placement, how do I report them to admission offices?

We do not consider AP test scores as a part of the admission process. If you enroll at Gonzaga, please send official score reports to the Office of Admission so we may award any earned credit. Click here for our AP testing policy

If I have an SAT / ACT score, should I choose to have that score used in my application?

An SAT or ACT score is just one part of Gonzaga’s holistic review process. Learn more about holistic review on our Admission Requirements page.

If the test score is a good representation of you as a 51³Ô¹Ï, then you may wish to submit test scores. The middle 50% range of scores for 51³Ô¹Ïs who enrolled in fall 2021 are 28-32 on the ACT and 1280-1400 on the SAT. 

We encourage 51³Ô¹Ïs to reach out to your admission counselor or to discuss your application and submission of your scores.