Support Resources

For your convenience, we offer a variety of resources to help you create electronic content with accessibility in mind.

Quick Resources:

Live Training Sessions for Specific Accessibility Issues:

The Accessibility Resource Team members will be hosting training sessions for various topics to outline how to bring documents, classroom materials, website materials and other items into accessible formats. Watch for sessions on Word and PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, videos, as well as others. For a schedule of training sessions and to sign up, please visit the GU Training & Professional Development website.

Read the Basic Awareness Training

On-Demand Tutorials:

The Accessibility Resource Team has identified tutorials from Atomic Learning that will specifically help you to create electronic documents and presentations in accessible formats. These trainings are available at any time and from any computer by selecting a topic from the "Support" dropdown menu. When prompted for a login, please use your Gonzaga credentials.

There are also step-by-step instructions for adding accessibility features to the following applications:

You can find these instructions under "Documents" in the navigation menu.

Open Lab Sessions for Live Assistance:

Members of the Accessibility Resource Team and its partners will be staffing open lab sessions for staff and faculty to bring documents and other materials to the lab for assistance in transitioning those items into accessible formats. This is an opportunity for staff and faculty to learn the skills in making their own documents accessible. Please bring documents on a thumb drive or be ready to access your documents on network drives to work on these materials directly with assistance.