Lactation Rooms

Gonzaga supports moms returning to work after having a baby and has created eleven dedicated spaces for nursing mothers. Lactation room locations:

  • Bollier Center - Room 050 (key can be picked up in the Dean's Office)
  • College Hall - 4th floor on the West end (key can be picked up from the Office of the President, Suite 214)
  • Crosby Center - (key can be picked up from the Career & Professional Development Office front desk)
  • Foley Library - Room 307 just off the staff room (key can be picked up at the circulation desk and the administration office)
  • Hemmingson Center - Room 305 (key can be picked up at the front desk)
  • Humanities Building (1102 Astor) - Room 117
  • Law School - Room 362 (go to Chastek Law Library room 173 or call x3781 for the code to enter the room)
  • Plant Services - Room 28 (key can be picked up at the customer service desk)
  • Robinson House - Room 114
  • School of Business - Room 118 (key can be picked up in the Dean's office area)
  • Tilford Center - Room 027 in the Lower Level (go to room TC312 or call x3569 to pick up the key)

All rooms are equipped with comfortable seating, a table and outlet. Privacy has been added to ensure moms feel comfortable.

Departments who would like to set up a lactation location in their area can contact HR at x5996 for help with the process. If an employee has concerns regarding access to a private lactation location, contact HR at x5996 for assistance.

Gonzaga Policy on Lactation Time Away from Work can be found in the GU Policies & Procedures manual.

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Spokane, WA 99258
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