Gonzaga University seeks to intentionally develop the whole person-intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally through our ZAGFit Wellness Program. It is a voluntary program designed to help and encourage Gonzaga employees and their families to improve their health and well-being. ZAGFit has a variety of health management programs and resources that promote and support a positive and healthy work-life balance.
We work with Healthy Campus 2020 to encourage growth in health as a community through a variety of outlets such as stress management, nutrition, and physical activity. Healthy Campus 2020 is a national recognized project which attempts to frame healthy living and decisions in terms of an integrative, preventative model for 51³Ô¹Ïs, faculty and staff that creates social and physical environments that promote good health for all; enhances life-long learning; and promotes improved quality of life and health equity.
For more information about the ZagFit Wellness Program, current employees can login using their GU network information at .
Other Wellness opportunities for employees include the following options:
- Engage with a Wellness Coach. Unlimited free access to highly trained personal Wellness Coaches for ongoing, one-on-one support.
- PHP (Personal Health Profile). Immediate online personal health reports.
- Wellness Workshops. A variety of online, interactive workshops on topics such as nutrition, fitness, tobacco cessation, financial wellness, heart disease, diabetes, and stress provided by Health Advocate.
- Wellness Competitions. Compete against colleagues by participating in competitions such as GO MOVE, Walk America, and Choose to Move.
- Biometric (Health) Screenings. No-cost onsite screenings available in the Fall for employees and their spouses.
- Activity Tracking. Online logs to track weight, exercise, steps and more.
- Fitness Tracker Sync. Employees can sync their Fitbits or other tracking devices to the Health Advocate website for activity to be automatically tracked.
- Financial Awareness. Multiple opportunities to increase financial wellness through America Saves Week, Financial Literacy Month, Save for Retirement Week, and various other online workshops. Additionally, on site TIAA and Fidelity representatives are available monthly for free consultations. Financial seminars are available throughout the year for employees and spouses.
- Community Service. Community service is an important part of our culture. Each year employees are given paid time off to serve the community.
- Sustainability. Free bus passes, access to the CTR (Commute Trip Reduction) tracking website, and points for using alternative transportation to support Gonzaga’s mission to care for creation and be responsible stewards of our resources.
- LINC. The LINC Food Program provides the opportunity for employees to buy fresh, locally grown produce and have it delivered once a week. LINC Foods is a cooperatively owned food hub whose purpose is to provide fresh, sustainably-grown, local food.