What to Expect

Reporting to the University

Gonzaga University has designated the Title IX Coordinator to oversee complaints of sexual misconduct at the University. An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct has the right to choose whether to report the incident to Gonzaga University's Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Coordinators and Investigators are specially trained to work with individuals who report sexual misconduct and have knowledge about on- and off-campus resources, services, and options — including the availability of interim support measures and accommodations.

Unless designated as a confidential resource, all university employees are obligated to report incidents of sexual misconduct of which they become aware to the Title IX Coordinator.

When the University receives a report, the Title IX Office will reach out to you and invite you to an intake meeting to discuss your rights, options, and support resources. Options may include accessing support and accommodation, filing a formal complaint for a formal grievance process or informal resolution process. If you choose to move forward with signing a formal complaint or if the University’s Title IX Coordinator signs a formal complaint, the University will assess the complaint to determine whether the alleged behaviors, if true, would be considered a policy violation and initiate an investigation. If the behavior would not rise to the level of a policy violation under the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy, it will be dismissed, but the University reserves the right to pursue the behavior under other applicable University Policies.

Please call or email the Title IX Office (509-313-6910 / titleix@gonzaga.edu) to set up a meeting if you have a complaint involving sexual misconduct. You can also call for general information.

Please Note: The Title IX Office is not a confidential source of support. While they will address your complaint with sensitivity and will keep your information as private as possible, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

Reporting to the Police

Gonzaga University encourages individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct to Spokane Police Department or the appropriate law enforcement agency. Timely reporting to the police is an important factor in successful investigation and prosecution of crimes, including sexual violence crimes, and may lead to the arrest of an offender or aid in the investigation of other incidents. If a victim/survivor wants to file an anonymous police report and obtain a police report number for future consideration, the Title IX office and LCSNorthwest Advocate (call or text 509-342-8564 or email guadvocate@lcsnw.org M-F 8am-5pm, or call their 24/7 Crisis Line at 509-624-7273) can assist in navigating the reporting process.

An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct has the right to choose whether to file a police report. Filing a police report can result in the investigation of whether sexual violence or related crimes occurred and whether to prosecute those crimes against a perpetrator.

Reports of sexual misconduct made to Campus Security and Public Safety will automatically be reported to the Title IX coordinator regardless of whether the individual who experienced the sexual misconduct made the initial report. Title IX will contact the individual with rights and options, but there is no obligation to respond to any outreach or to participate in a university investigation.

Contact Title IX Coordinator

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502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
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