Gonzaga's College Hall in Sunlight

Report an Incident


What to Prepare

While reporting online is the most efficient means of reporting, you may also report in person, over the phone, or by emailing the Title IX Coordinator and providing the following information if known:

  1. Your name and contact information (phone and email)
  2. A date, time location of the incident
  3. Full names of the parties and indicate whether they are a member of the GU Community or not
  4. A written description of what has transpired

The Title IX Coordinator can be reached by calling 509-313-6910, by email at titleix@gonzaga.edu, or by making an appointment to meet in person at the office located in the Business Services Building located at 102 E. Boone Ave.  

Do I have other options?

Yes, you have numerous options for support and resources without ever filing a formal complaint. At any time, even without filing a report, you may contact the Title IX Office (Link) to learn more about options and support available. You may also speak to the  confidentially to also learn about the options for support as well. To contact the GU LCSNW Advocate, you may call or text 509-342-8564 or email guadvocate@lcsnw.org M-F 8am-5pm, or call their 24/7 Crisis Line at 509-624-7273.

***Please indicate in your text or your voicemail a good number to get back in contact with you. Advocates will not call back missed calls with no messages for safety purposes. 

Anonymous Reporting 

The University does accept anonymous reports of alleged behaviors, however we are limited in our ability to respond in our formal process. Anonymous reports can be submitted either online at or by phone or email to the Title IX Coordinator. (509-313-6910 or titleix@gonzaga.edu

Contact Title IX Coordinator

Send a message
502 E. Boone Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
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