Yolanda Gallardo, Ph.D. Dean, School of Education gallardoy@gonzaga.edu John Gallo, Ph.D Assistant Professor, School Psychology (509) 313-4608 gallo@gonzaga.edu Kem Gambrell, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Chair of Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies (509) 313-3488 gambrell@gonzaga.edu Sara Ganzerli, Ph.D. Professor, Civil Engineering (509) 313-3533 ganzerli@gonzaga.edu Arturo García Osorio, M.A. Lecturer - Spanish; Modern Languages and Literature (509) 313-5230 garcia-osorio@gonzaga.edu Luis García-Torvisco, Ph.D. Professor - Spanish; Modern Languages and Literature (509) 313-3647 garcia-torvisco@gonzaga.edu Joe Gardner, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Department Chair of Political Science (509) 313-6764 gardnerj@gonzaga.edu Curtis Garner, Ed.D. Professor, Counselor Education (509) 313-3515 garnerc@gonzaga.edu Jennifer Garrity, MSN Lecturer of Nursing (509) 313-5120 garrityj@gonzaga.edu Blaine Garvin, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science (509) 313-6745 garvinb@gonzaga.edu Renee Geck, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology (509) 313-5594 geck@gonzaga.edu Daphne Gershon, Ph.D. Lecturer of Communication Studies (509) 313-5341 gershon@gonzaga.edu Matthew Geske, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physics (509) 313-6755 geske@gonzaga.edu Michelle Ghrist, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematics (509) 313-3849 ghrist@gonzaga.edu Gergely Gidofalvi, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry (509) 313-5596 gidofalvi@gonzaga.edu Jason Gillmer, J.D., LL.M. Founding Director, Center for Civil and Human Rights; John J. Hemmingson Professor of Civil Liberties; Professor of Law (509) 313-3750 gillmer@gonzaga.edu Suzann Girtz, Ph.D. Professor of Teacher Education (509) 313-3400 girtz@gonzaga.edu Erica Goldberg, J.D. Professor of Law (509) 313-6400 goldberg@gonzaga.edu Andrew L. Goldman, Ph.D. Professor of History (509) 313-6691 goldman@gonzaga.edu Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religious Studies; Jewish Chaplain, Office of Mission and Ministry (509) 313-6788 goldstein@gonzaga.edu Kristy Gonder BSN Program Director, Assistant Professor (509) 313-5548 gonder@gonzaga.edu Colleen Goodwin Senior Lecturer of Mathematics (509) 313-3900 goodwinc@gonzaga.edu Greg Gordon, Ph.D. Professor of Environmental Studies (509) 313-5725 gordong@gonzaga.edu Jeremy G. Gordon, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Communication Studies (509) 313-4909 gordonj@gonzaga.edu Allan Greer, Ph.D. Professor of Physics (509) 313-6757 greera@gonzaga.edu Tomás Guardia, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer of Mathematics (509) 313-3521 guardia@gonzaga.edu Timothy Guasco, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry (509) 313-5126 guasco@gonzaga.edu Vikas Gumbhir, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology & Criminology (509) 313-6495 gumbhir@gonzaga.edu Nicole Gustavsen STEM Specialist Librarian, Asst. Professor (509) 313-3861 gustavsen@gonzaga.edu Cynthia Gutierrez, M.F.A. Assistant Professor of Theatre & Dance (509) 313-4423 gutierrezc@gonzaga.edu