Vladimir A. Labay, Ph.D. Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering labay@gonzaga.edu Jillian LaBelle, CPA Lecturer of Accounting (509) 313-3416 labellej@gonzaga.edu Róisín Lally, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies (509) 313-4957 lally@gonzaga.edu Ron Large, Ph.D. Professor of Religious Studies (509) 313-6767 large@gonzaga.edu Dean Larson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Mathematics (509) 313-3917 larson@gonzaga.edu Charles Lassiter, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy (509) 313-6761 lassiter@gonzaga.edu Inga N. Laurent, J.D. Professor of Law (509) 313-3747 laurent@gonzaga.edu Daniel W. Law, Ph.D. Professor of Accounting (509) 313-3426 law@gonzaga.edu Danielle A. Layne, Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy, Director of Philosophy Graduate Program layne@gonzaga.edu Jabez LeBret Executive in Residence - Marketing lebretj@gonzaga.edu Hugh Lefcort, Ph.D. Professor of Biology (509) 313-6706 lefcort@gonzaga.edu Adriane Leithauser Lecturer of Business Ethics (509) 313-3419 leithauser@gonzaga.edu Megan Lewis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Human Physiology (509) 313-3487 lewism7@gonzaga.edu Quanhua Liu, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy (509) 313-3950 liu@gonzaga.edu Peggy Sue Loroz, Ph.D. Professor of Marketing; Faculty Athletics Representative (509) 313-3433 loroz@gonzaga.edu Anbara Lutfullaeva, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering (509) 313-3531 lutfullaeva@gonzaga.edu