Creative & Performing Arts Home Academics Research & Creative Activities Creative & Performing Arts Student Film "Family Through Fire" Selected as Quarterfinalist at SWIFF Faculty Expertise Beyond the Classroom Virtual Views of Ancient Places Professor Matt McCormicks Film to Premiere at Sundance Professor Michael Herzog Pens Historical Novel on Geoffrey Chaucer Music Professors Composition Wins at International Competition September 04, 2019 Robert Spittals composition Diversions captures first prize at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles Contest at the International... Jundt Art Museum Presents Works by Makoto Fujimura Opening Sept. 7 August 26, 2019 A solo exhibition of recent works by the renowned international artist opens Sept. 7. Fujimura will visit Gonzaga on Oct. 4 for a presentation and... Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Way of the Future August 12, 2019 Gonzaga 51勛圖s and faculty find new solutions through interdisciplinary collaboration. Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center Unveils First Seasons Performances August 07, 2019 The 2019-20 season opens Sept. 13 and features performances by national and international artists including familiar names and rising stars of dance... Filmon Abraham Parlays Passions for Psychology, Art & Technology May 09, 2019 Abraham combines his interests in pursuit of a cutting-edge career path. This fall he begins a masters degree at New York Universitys Tisch School... Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra Presents Spring Concert March 4 February 27, 2019 Conducted by Kevin Hekmatpanah, the performance will take place at Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox Campus Abuzz with Rich Learning Opportunities February 19, 2019 As excitement builds for Gonzaga mens and womens basketball teams in March Madness, campus is abuzz with a cornucopia of rich academic opportunities... Visiting Writers Series Welcomes giovanni singleton Feb. 27 February 08, 2019 The acclaimed series continues with award-winning poet giovanni singleton Gonzaga Theatre & Dance Presents 'The Vagina Monologues' Feb. 14 February 06, 2019 The play by Eve Ensler is part of V-Day 2019, the international nonprofit movement based on the play. Gonzaga Art Faculty Exhibition Opens Jan. 26 January 14, 2019 The Jundt Art Museum will feature the work of full-time GU art department faculty Mary Farrell, Matt McCormick, Mat Rude and Laura Truitt in an... Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... Jundt Art Museum Presents Rodin Exhibition August 08, 2018 Rodin: Truth Form Life / Selections from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Collections will be on display Sept. 8 through Jan. 5, 2019. '1st Inland Northwest Juried Landscape Art Exhibition' Opens May ... May 22, 2018 Organized by Paul Manoguerra, director/ curator, and Karen Kaiser, curator of education, the exhibition focuses on Inland Northwest landscape-based... Megan Carroll: 'Truly One of a Kind' May 18, 2018 Meet the dynamo who earned a degree in journalism with an interdisciplinary arts minor in three years and has secured a full-time job. Choirs' Performance to Foster Awareness of Anti-Semitism April 06, 2018 With $4,000 from Spokane Arts Grants Awards, Gonzaga University Choirs will present a special performance April 28 to cultivate awareness of modern... Gonzaga, EWU Present 'What Were You Wearing?' Survivor Art Installation March 28, 2018 For Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April
Music Professors Composition Wins at International Competition September 04, 2019 Robert Spittals composition Diversions captures first prize at the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles Contest at the International... Jundt Art Museum Presents Works by Makoto Fujimura Opening Sept. 7 August 26, 2019 A solo exhibition of recent works by the renowned international artist opens Sept. 7. Fujimura will visit Gonzaga on Oct. 4 for a presentation and... Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Way of the Future August 12, 2019 Gonzaga 51勛圖s and faculty find new solutions through interdisciplinary collaboration. Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center Unveils First Seasons Performances August 07, 2019 The 2019-20 season opens Sept. 13 and features performances by national and international artists including familiar names and rising stars of dance... Filmon Abraham Parlays Passions for Psychology, Art & Technology May 09, 2019 Abraham combines his interests in pursuit of a cutting-edge career path. This fall he begins a masters degree at New York Universitys Tisch School... Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra Presents Spring Concert March 4 February 27, 2019 Conducted by Kevin Hekmatpanah, the performance will take place at Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox Campus Abuzz with Rich Learning Opportunities February 19, 2019 As excitement builds for Gonzaga mens and womens basketball teams in March Madness, campus is abuzz with a cornucopia of rich academic opportunities... Visiting Writers Series Welcomes giovanni singleton Feb. 27 February 08, 2019 The acclaimed series continues with award-winning poet giovanni singleton Gonzaga Theatre & Dance Presents 'The Vagina Monologues' Feb. 14 February 06, 2019 The play by Eve Ensler is part of V-Day 2019, the international nonprofit movement based on the play. Gonzaga Art Faculty Exhibition Opens Jan. 26 January 14, 2019 The Jundt Art Museum will feature the work of full-time GU art department faculty Mary Farrell, Matt McCormick, Mat Rude and Laura Truitt in an... Gonzaga Digital Humanities Project Shines August 09, 2018 An academic paper presented by Gonzaga faculty Katey Roden and Pavel Shlossberg was selected as one of six finalists for the prestigious Paul Fortier... Jundt Art Museum Presents Rodin Exhibition August 08, 2018 Rodin: Truth Form Life / Selections from the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Collections will be on display Sept. 8 through Jan. 5, 2019. '1st Inland Northwest Juried Landscape Art Exhibition' Opens May ... May 22, 2018 Organized by Paul Manoguerra, director/ curator, and Karen Kaiser, curator of education, the exhibition focuses on Inland Northwest landscape-based... Megan Carroll: 'Truly One of a Kind' May 18, 2018 Meet the dynamo who earned a degree in journalism with an interdisciplinary arts minor in three years and has secured a full-time job. Choirs' Performance to Foster Awareness of Anti-Semitism April 06, 2018 With $4,000 from Spokane Arts Grants Awards, Gonzaga University Choirs will present a special performance April 28 to cultivate awareness of modern... Gonzaga, EWU Present 'What Were You Wearing?' Survivor Art Installation March 28, 2018 For Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April