MACC 560 Intermediate Accounting I
3.00 credits
An intensive study of financial accounting theory and practice. Topics include recognition, measurement, and reporting and assets, liabilities, corporate equity, revenues and expenses; preparation and analysis of the principal financial statements.
ACCT 360 - OK if taken since Summer 1 2012
MACC 561 Intermediate Accounting II
3.00 credits
Continuation of MACC 560.
ACCT 361 - OK if taken since Summer 1 2012
MACC 563 Cost Accounting
3.00 credits
An examination of the mechanics and application of accounting principles and concepts for planning, control, and decision making. Topics include cost behavior, job, process, and standard cost systems; budgeting and control; and activity-based costing.
ACCT 363 - OK if taken since Summer 1 2012
MACC 564 Auditing
3.00 credits
A study of auditing concepts and practices. Includes audit planning and procedures, EDP auditing, statistical sampling, ethical considerations, and report writing.
ACCT 464 - OK if taken since Summer 1 2012
MACC 565 Federal Taxation I
3.00 credits
Fundamentals of federal taxation of individuals and business entities.
MBUS 560
ACCT 365 - OK if taken since Summer 1 2012
MACC 590 Independent Study
.00- 3.00 credits
MACC 600 Orientation
.00 credits
Orientation for graduate accounting programs is held once at the beginning of each semester.
MACC 601 Power Query/Power Pivot
2.00 credits
Students in this course will learn to harness the full power of Excel to become more effective and efficient users in the context of solving a wide variety of business and non-business problems. Students will develop expertise in the use of advanced formula techniques and sophisticated lookups.
MTAX 601 - OK if taken since Fall 2018
MACC 603 Financial Acct for IncomeTaxes
3.00 credits
Audit professionals are frequently called upon to review the income tax accrual contained in audit work papers. This course focuses on the basic and some of the more common complexities encountered in accounting for income taxes under ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes. This course is designed for 51³Ô¹Ïs pursuing a M.Acc degree.
MTAX 603 - OK if taken since Fall 2015
MACC 604 Blockchain in Business
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course explores the fundamentals of blockchain technology as it relates to enterprise systems, cryptocurrencies, and legal/regulatory matters. The focus of this course will be to develop a practical understanding of how blockchain technology fits within the greater business technology ecosystem and the current legal and regulatory frameworks.
MACC 611 Audit Analytics
2.00 credits
A study of the role of big data and analytics in business, accounting practices in particular. The course includes coverage of the theory and practice of data visualization, statistical methods, analytical models, and an introduction to software tools and applicable programming languages to facilitate the analysis of data.
MTAX 611 - OK if taken since Fall 2018
MACC 641 Financial Statement Analysis
3.00 credits
This course provides an overview of the use of financial statement information in business analysis. As such, it will attempt to increase comprehension of financial statements in their related footnotes, introduce several tools and procedures common to financial statement analysis, expand understanding of the relationship between business transactions, environmental forces (e.g., political, economic, social) and reported financial information, examine how financial statement information can help solve certain business problems, and encourage logical and creative thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of information available to decision-makers.
MACC 642 Adv Top in Finance Accounting
3.00 credits
MACC 659 Adv Top in Financial Accnting
3.00 credits
This course examines emerging and advanced topics in financial accounting and reporting. Students will use case studies, accounting standards, and evolving literature to examine topics of importance in the accounting profession today. Offered as needed. Elective.
MACC 660 Advanced Financial Accounting
3.00 credits
Advanced topics in financial accounting, theory and practice. Subjects include incorporate investments, consolidated financial statements, international accounting, partnerships, and accounting for governmental and NFP entities.
ACCT 460 - OK if taken since Fall 2023
MACC 661 Professional Writing Workshop
1.00 credit
This course will emphasize the fundamentals of business writing in a professional accounting environment. Offered as needed. Elective.
MTAX 661 - OK if taken since Fall 2015
MACC 662 Accounting Information Systems
3.00 credits
A study of the role of accounting information systems in organizational decision making and control. The course includes coverage of the theory and practice of information processing, internal controls, and systems analysis and design related to major transaction cycles.
MACC 560
ACCT 362 - OK if taken since Fall 2023
MACC 663 Accounting Theory
3.00 credits
This course examines the hypothetical, conceptual, and pragmatic principles which form the general frame of reference for financial accounting and reporting.
MACC 664 Professional Ethics
2.00 credits
This course examines current theories in business ethics as well as codes developed specifically for practicing accountants. Attention is given to challenges faced by accounting professionals in both public and corporate practice. Case studies are used extensively to challenge and sensitize 51³Ô¹Ïs to the issues they are likely to encounter in practice; various methods of understanding and solving ethical dilemmas are considered.
MTAX 664 - OK if taken since Fall 2015
MACC 665 Audit Research & Practice
3.00 credits
This course examines various theoretical and practical applications of the changing auditing discipline. Authoritative attestation and auditing literature is studied as well as recent PCAOB pronouncements. Case studies are used to consider risk assessment, independence issues, internal control evaluation, and audit processes. This course also emphasizes the development of research and professional writing skills in the context of the assurance function.
MACC 666 Federal Taxation II
3.00 credits
This course covers advanced topics the taxation of individuals and entities.
MACC 667 Corporate Governance
3.00 credits
In this course, 51³Ô¹Ïs will examine current accounting, auditing and financial reporting issues through a corporate governance lens, including internal control, internal auditing, board/audit committee roles and oversight, managerial incentives, laws/regulation, and external market forces.
MACC 668 Not-For-Profit Accounting
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course investigates accounting principles and procedures as applied to governmental and not-for-profit organizations such as universities, health care agencies, and health and welfare organizations.
MACC 670 Fraud &Forensic Examination
3.00 credits
This class provides prospective auditors, accountants, and managers with an awareness of the extent and significance of fraudulent activity, and an understanding of the methods and techniques of prevention and detection. Consideration is given to (1) asset misappropriations and other fraud against the company, committed by employees, suppliers, and others, (2) consumer fraud, and (3) fraudulent financial reporting, along with the role of ethics and corporate governance in minimizing fraud.
MACC 671 Forensic Accounting Lab
3.00 credits
Called the "Justice for Victims Project," this class is a joint program with members of the community (law enforcement, prosecutors, and local certified fraud examiners), that provides a select group of 51³Ô¹Ïs with an opportunity to investigate real cases of suspected fraud that are referred by local law enforcement. Students are assigned to teams and are supervised by faculty and by mentors from the Spokane Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. The cases are selected based on financial need of the victim (primarily local small businesses and non-profit organizations). Student teams must complete a written forensic accounting report on their case, an internal control recommendation report for the client, and a formal presentation to law enforcement outlining their results. Enrollment is by application only.
MACC 677 Sustainability Accounting I
2.00 credits
Students will refine their writing skills while learning about corporate sustainability disclosure. Students will also examine the connection between sustainability performance and financial performance and the CPA's role in providing assurance on sustainability information.
MTAX 677 - OK if taken since Fall 2021
MACC 678 Sustainability Accounting II
1.00 credit
Accountants play an important role in helping organizations manage their risks and opportunities related to climate change and biodiversity loss. Students will learn prominent frameworks and standards for preparing climate- and nature-related disclosures as well as techniques for valuing natural and social capital.
MACC 679 International Accounting
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course will compare and contrast accounting and financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards and U.S. GAAP, using official pronouncements, cases, and problems.
MACC 681 Special Topics
1.00- 3.00 credits
Topics to be determined by instructor
MACC 690 Directed Study
1.00- 3.00 credits
Guidelines are available in the Graduate School of Business Office. Requirements must be met before registration.
MACC 697 Internship
.00- 3.00 credits
Relevant work experience is required that is commensurate with a 51³Ô¹Ï's professional interests. Guidelines and criteria are available from the School of Business Administration Internship Director.
MACC 699 Special Topics
1.00- 3.00 credits
These seminars offer coverage of current topics of importance to the accounting profession. This course may be repeated for credit with a change in subject matter.