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Course Catalog

Master of Science in Taxation

The Gonzaga Master of Science in Taxation (MS.Tax) program is designed to equip 51³Ô¹Ïs with a strong technical skill set, enhanced communication skills, and a framework with which to approach the complex problems and issues faced by taxpayers in today’s global economy. Significant emphasis is placed on issue identification, problem solving, and tax planning.

Current Gonzaga undergraduate  51³Ô¹Ïs may apply for the Accelerated MS.Tax program once they have received a grade for ACCT 365 Federal Taxation I. If accepted, they may take up to nine credits of graduate-level courses during their senior year with the permission of the program director. To be considered for admission for the Accelerated MS.Tax, 51³Ô¹Ïs should have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0 in upper division accounting courses and  a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20. 


  1. Students applying to Gonzaga University must submit Gonzaga’s Graduate Application, which can be accessed online at 
  2. Along with the application for graduate study, each program at Gonzaga has distinct admission requirements. Please refer to the table below to view that detailed information.

Program Name

How To Apply Link
Master of Science in Taxation /school-of-business-administration/graduate/mstax/how-to-apply

MS.Tax Prerequisite Requirements

MS.Tax 51³Ô¹Ïs are required to complete the following prerequisite coursework:

  • Principles of Taxation

For candidates wishing to pursue the CPA, additional prerequisite coursework will be required in financial accounting, cost accounting, and audit. Prerequisites may be taken after admission into the program and may be waived at the discretion of the Director.

Admitted 51³Ô¹Ïs must consult with their graduate academic advisor before registering for their first semester in order to evaluate their prerequisites and to develop a plan for completing any that are needed.

Prerequisite course credits are not counted toward the graduate degree program credits. They must be taken in addition to the 30 credits required for the MS.Tax degree.

CLEP Exam Grading Policy 

A 50 scaled score is required to pass (75%)

MS.Tax Prerequisite Grading Policy:

The MACC 500 prerequisite courses are Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory. The grading policy will remain the same with traditional letter grades. If a 51³Ô¹Ï earns a "C-" or lower in a MACC 500 level course, it will be treated as a Non-Satisfactory (NS) and no credit will be given. The “NS” grade has the same effect on the GPA as an “F” (failing). 

Degree Requirements

A total of thirty (30) credits of graduate coursework is required for the Master of Science in Taxation degree. Students must maintain a 3.00 or better grade point average in order to progress through and to graduate from the program.

MACC 600 Orientation Workshop  0 credit
MACC 601 Power Query/Power Pivot 2 credits
MTAX 606 Wealth Transfer Taxation
3 credits
MTAX 603 Financial Accounting for Income Taxes
3 credits
MTAX 604 C Corporation Taxation
3 credits
MTAX 605 Partnership Taxation
3 credits
MTAX 607 Taxation of Property Transactions
3 credits
MTAX 608 State and Local Taxation 2 credits
MTAX 610 International Taxation 2 credits
MTAX 614 S Corporation Taxation 1 credit
MTAX 664 Professional Ethics 2 credits
MTAX 667 Tax Research 2 credits
MTAX 677 Sustainability Accounting 2 credits
Tax Electives* 2 credits

*Students may continue to take any M.Acc, MS.Tax, MSBA, or MBA course as an elective. Other courses must be approved by the program director. 


MTAX 602 Tax Policy
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course provides an overview of the challenges faced in designing, administering, and monitoring a modern tax system, including the use of incidence of taxation to encourage or discourage certain activities.
MTAX 603 Financial Acct for IncomeTaxes
3.00 credits
Audit professionals are frequently called upon to review the income tax accrual contained in audit work papers. This course focuses on the basic and some of the more common complexities encountered in accounting for income taxes under ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes. This course is designed for 51³Ô¹Ïs in the MS.Tax program.
MACC 603 - Successful completion
MTAX 604 C Corporation Taxation
3.00 credits
This course explores the federal taxation of subchapter C corporations, including the tax consequences of corporate formation, operations, distributions, liquidations and tax-free reorganizations.
MACC 604 - OK if taken since Fall 2015
MTAX 605 Partnership Taxation
3.00 credits
This course deals with the federal Income tax fundamentals of partnership and limited liability company taxation. The course covers formation of, operation of, and distribution from partnership and LLC’s, and provides contrast to the problems associated with corporate operations.
MTAX 606 Wealth Transfer Taxation
3.00 credits
This course explores the taxation of gratuitous transfers of wealth during life and at death, including the federal estate, gift and generation skipping transfer taxes.
MTAX 607 Taxation of Property Trans
3.00 credits
This course will survey several important areas related to the federal income taxation of property transactions. Emphasis will be on federal income tax treatment of sales and other dispositions of property, including deferred payment sales and non-recognition transactions. Potential specific topics include depreciation, the effect of debt on basis and amount realized calculations, characterization, limitations on loss allowances, like kind exchanges, involuntary conversions, installment sales and leasing.
MTAX 608 State & Local Taxation
1.00 credit
This course focuses on the basics of state income taxes, property taxes, and other state and local taxes. In addition, the effect of state and local taxes on multi-state operations is discussed.
MTAX 609 Tax-Exempt Organizations
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course explores the requirements of various tax-exempt organizations under the Internal Revenue Code and related compliance obligations with a particular focus on advising tax-exempt clients.
MTAX 610 International Taxation
2.00 credits
This course covers the basics of the taxation of foreign income of U.S. citizens and corporations, and of U.S. source income of foreign persons and corporations. In addition, there is discussion of planning for organization of foreign operations under the tax laws.
MTAX 612 Tax Theory
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course examines theory of various tax systems how they affect taxpayers.
MTAX 613 IRS Practice & Procedure
2.00 credits
This course studies a wide range of tax procedure and IRS practice, including an analysis of the laws pertaining to tax procedure an how the IRS interprets and applies those laws. The course will include descriptions of how the IRS operates. Suggested techniques for representing clients before the IRS are also presented.
MTAX 614 S Corporation Taxation
1.00 credit
This course explores the federal taxation of subchapter S corporations and shareholders.
MTAX 615 Seminal Cases in Taxation
1.00- 3.00 credits
Through a deep investigation of landmark cases in taxation, this course looks at the impact the judiciary has had in shaping tax law today.
MTAX 616 Income Tax of Estates & Trusts
1.00- 3.00 credits
This course explores the federal income taxation of estates and trusts, including the fundamentals of fiduciary accounting.
MTAX 619 Tax Technologies
1.00- 3.00 credits
An exploration of tax-specific technologies used to manage tax data flows, data analytics, and data requirements, this course provides 51³Ô¹Ïs with the foundational knowledge that enables an increase in productivity in the tax function.
MTAX 620 Tax Planning
3.00 credits
This course examines the tax and business planning aspects of taxable and nontaxable transfers of businesses and real estate. Particular attention will be given to planning whether to use asset sales or stock sales, structuring financing for acquisitions and techniques for compensating investors. The course will also explore the taxation of partnerships, S corporations and limited liability companies and their special application to corporate and real estate acquisitions.
MTAX 667 Tax Research & Practice
1.00 credit
This course encompasses a study of tax research methodology, tax policy, and tax practice. Topic areas include various tax research techniques, tax administration and professional responsibilities, as well as international taxation.
MTAX 685 Federal Tax Clinic
2.00 credits
The Federal Tax Clinic course offers 51³Ô¹Ïs an exciting opportunity to become engaged in federal tax controversies involving the Internal Revenue Service and in the United States Tax Court. Students represent low-income clients in IRS examination and collection matters, including audits, offers in compromise, penalty abatements, innocent spouse claims, appeals, Tax Court cases, etc. Through case work and clinic experience, the 51³Ô¹Ïs will have the opportunity to develop and refine skills in client interviewing, negotiations, research and advocacy.
MTAX 690 Directed Study
1.00- 3.00 credits
Directed Study requires permission of program director. Zagweb registration is not available.
MTAX 697 Internship
.00- 3.00 credits
Relevant work experience is required that is commensurate with a 51³Ô¹Ï's professional interests. Guidelines and criteria are available from the School of Business Administration Internship Director.
MTAX 699 Special Topics
.00- 3.00 credits
Topic to be determined by department.