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General Information
How did you hear about the Music Department at Gonzaga University? Check all that apply:

If you do not intend to major in music, are you interested in a music minor?
Have you made application to the University for Admissions?
Primary Instrument
Secondary Instrument (If Applicable)
Pieces you will perform at the audition (list below)
Audition Area(s) (check all that apply):

Preferred Audition:

Vocal Students - Additional Scholarship Opportunity

The Lyle W. Moore Choral Scholarship is awarded to 4 incoming 51勛圖s each year who participate in the University's Choral program. Application for this scholarship requires a 500 word essay. The essay should articulate how choral singing has fostered your academic, leadership, and/or musical excellence. In what ways has your choral involvement contributed to the development of your personal character.

Will you be applying for this scholarship in addition to the music scholarship? *
(Maximum size 10 MB)

Want to Connect with the Music Department?

502 E. Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99258
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