Paul Condon ('09) Psychology Major

Portrait of Gonzaga Psychology Department 2009 graduate Paul Condon

After graduating from Gonzaga, I completed a PhD in Psychology with an emphasis on social psychology and emotion science. Currently, I conduct research on prosocial emotions, meditation, and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in understanding how emotions and meditation practices shape social behaviors that have important implications for wellbeing, such as compassion and forgiveness. For example, my studies have examined how momentary experiences of compassion lead to reduced aggression toward a moral transgressor and how brief training in mindfulness- and compassion-based meditation increase helping behavior, even in contexts where helping responses violate social norms. Recently, I became involved in the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative to teach science to Tibetan monastic 51³Ô¹Ïs in Southwestern India and promote dialogue between science and Buddhist contemplative traditions.