2023-2024 Events
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Pedagogy Roundtable: Out Front and in the Shadows: the History of Antisemitism on University Campuses
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
5:30-7:00 pm
Cataldo Globe Room, Gonzaga University
While antisemitism has pervaded American and European institutions of higher education throughout the twentieth century, recent years have seen a disturbing rise of antisemitic incidents and antisemitic language in the U.S. This interdisciplinary panel, hosted by Gonzaga's Religious Studies Department and the Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, explores the historical underpinnings of antisemitic tropes and images that have permeated a variety of contexts in higher education. Through an exploration of the history of these antisemitic ideas during the 1930s and 1940s, and their continuation in the years that followed, this discussion will address the ways in which these ideas still permeate classroom contexts today.
Panelists: Adam Knowles (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum), Michael DeLand, Laura Brunell, Kevin Brown
Moderator: Kevin Vander Schel
Fr. Hans Zollner, SJ, Director, IADC, Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome)
SING: A Jewish Interfaith Musical Event
Featuring: Jessi Roemer
January 16, 2020 | 7:00 PM
Hemmingson Center North Ballroom
Gonzaga University
Free and open to all.
Jessi Roemer’s music will touch your heart and inspire your spirit. Spiritual, rhythmic, and soulful, her work brings ancient and modern text to life, traversing continents and history. Based in Philadelphia, PA, Jessi has performed, taught, and led prayer throughout the US and in Israel. Her most recent album, PRAISE, is a collection of new Jewish songs to be sung in communal settings; she specializes in bringing people together in song.
Jessi grew up in the Washington D.C. area, surrounded by her mother’s Yiddish, Hebrew, and American Folk music, cantorial melodies, and the Bluegrass-Klezmer music of the Fabrangen Fiddlers. Her music is also influenced by American blues, pop, and jazz, and Sweet Honey in the Rock. Reflecting her roots, influences, studies, and travels - which include having spent the 90s living in Jerusalem - Jessi’s original music is a 21st-century hybrid of European, Middle Eastern, Sephardic, North and South American styles. Jessi is a Hazzan (Cantor) ordained by ALEPH: The Alliance for Jewish Renewal. She currently serves as the Hazzan of Society Hill Synagogue in Center City Philadelphia, PA. More at .
Featuring: Jessi Roemer
January 17, 2020 | 5:30 PM
Hemmingson Center Room 201
Gonzaga University
Free and open to all.
Both events are sponsored by: Department of Religious Studies; Center for Public Humanities; Faculty Senate Speakers Committee; Jewish Community Friends of the Jewish Bulldogs; Office of Mission & Ministry; Raymond Reyes, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Contact Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein, PhD with questions. Goldstein@gonzaga.edu
How the Kabbalah Reimagines God
Featuring: Dr. Daniel Matt
January 31, 2019 | 5:30 PM
Jepson Center, Wolff Auditorium
Gonzaga University
Free and open to all.
Sponsored by: Religious Studies Department, Center for Public Humanities, and the Gonzaga Speaker Series
Contact Rabbi Dr. Elizabeth Goldstein with questions. Goldstein@gonzaga.edu
Holiness and the Desire for God in a Secular Age
The 2018 Bernard J. Tyrrell, S.J. Lecture in Philosophy of God, and Theology
Randall S. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
This lecture explores the lives of the Holocaust victim, Etty Hillesum, and the French saint, Thérèse of Lisieux, as models of holiness who can speak to our lives in the secular age.
April 2018
"" is a series of free public lectures on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, in honor of Prof. Patrick J. Hartin. - February 2016.
Dr. John Kelsay: "" - January 2016
Dr. Christina Astorga: "" - April 2014
Dr. Christina Astorga: "" - December 2013