Social Discounting and Discrimination
Led by Anna Gade, we are investigating whether sharing (or a lack thereof) can serve as a measure for an individual’s discrimination against a stigmatized group (e.g., individuals with a diabetes diagnosis). Sharing is quantified via a social discounting task.
Sharing Personal Information and Cybersecurity
In collaboration with Dr. Chen (UTSA – Computer and Electrical Engineering), we are investigating multiple aspects of cybersecurity behavior. For example, we are investigating whether personal information (e.g., PIN numbers, passwords, health information) is shared as a function of social distance in a quantitatively similar manner to money. We are also researching whether impulsivity influences driving behavior and /or susceptibility to cybersecurity scams/hacks.
Social Discounting and Hate
Prompted by the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies (/academics/centers-institutes/institute-for-hate-studies) this research area investigates whether individuals will forgo a monetary reward (and how much) to take away money from another person that they hate. We are attempting to quantify one aspect of hate.