Last 5 years
(Undergraduate and Graduate 51勛圖s in italics; advisees in bold font):
Romanowich, P., Igaki, T., Yamagishi, N., & Norman, T. (2021). Differential associations between risky cell-phone behaviors and discounting types. The Psychological Record. 10.1007/s40732-020-00446-7.
Wainwright, K., Romanowich, P., & Bibriescas, N. (2020). The relationships between perfectionism, self-report impulsivity measures, and delay discounting. International Journal of Psychology, 55, 951-958.
Romanowich, P., Chen, Q., & Xu, S. (2020). Relationships between driver errors and delay discounting in a simulated driving task. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 43, 487-500.
Acquesta, E., Chen, G., Adams, S. S., Bryant, R. Johnson, N. T., Romanowich, P., et al. (2019). Detailed statistical models of host-based data for detection of malicious activity (SAND2019-12011). Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories.
Stegall, S. E., Collette, T., Kinjo, T., Takahashi, T., & Romanowich, P. (2019). Quantitative cross-cultural similarities and differences in social discounting for gains and losses. Frontiers in Public Health – Health Economics.
Igaki, T., Romanowich, P., & Yamagishi, N. (2019). Using smartphones while walking is associated with delay, but not social discounting. The Psychological Record, 69, 513-524.
Igaki, T., Romanowich, P., & Sakagami, T. (2019). Experimental psychology: Current issues in irrational choice behavior. In T. Toshiji & H. Takizawa (Eds.) Diversity of experimental methods in economics (pp. 79-115). Singapore: Springer.
Wainwright, K., Green, B. E., & Romanowich, P. (2018). The relationship between delay, social discounting, and body mass index in university 51勛圖s. The Psychological Record, 68, 441-449.
Romanowich, P. & Igaki, T. (2017). Effects of reward magnitude, tobacco, and alcohol use on social discounting in Japan and United States college 51勛圖s. The Psychological Record, 67, 345-353.
Romanowich, P., Cozine, A., & Worthen, D. L. (2017). Effects of reinforcement context on initial link responding in concurrent chain reinforcement schedules. The Psychological Record, 67, 43-50.
Wainwright, K., & Romanowich, P. (2016). The relationship between perfectionism and discounting measures. Personality & Individual Differences, 101, 407-412.
(Paul Romanowich)